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When's the next update.


It's going to be a while still, my time to work on the game is limited and the holiday season has been busy as well, but I promise that it is being worked on whenever I have the chance to.


Take your time. I rather have a good game than a fast release.


Guys, what is incense good for?

Helps you gain weight

how do I help Diane?

Feed her fruit salad


I feel like itd be useful to have some sort of guide available either in or out of game so its easier to explore the game

Yeah, had to restart several times because I miss this event or that event or gained weight too fast.

how do i help Lilly

how do you get the other Boss image stages? 

When can make it available for download

can someone late game save fil,e

Or link to it

to download

I think It wold be cool If you add more than one weight gain stages bc of The time of development, But only if it's not a hassle Or if you have time to spare of course


When you gained weight in 1008 pounds, is there a continuation?

Not yet

can you make a discord server 


The picture did not download.

What is the purpose of the amulet?

it helps you slowly gain weight

I've been playing this over and over again. This game is really good.

(2 edits)

How do i help Lilly with her tummy? I cant get Beth's number and i just get the interaction on walks/running with the ice break or something. (im at 239kg/526p).

Edit: i found the answer and started over to get her. but how do get Diane?


I'm guessing what happened is that you gained weight too quickly and you ended up passing by the checks to acquire Beth's number. Your not the first person this has happened to, if you don't visit the park very often then your likely to miss the event that unlocks her phone number. I'll see about what I can do to change that in the next update

(1 edit)

Yeah, i restarted the run and got her. Thanks for the help


if you visit the grocery store enough times you will unlock her


where/how do i use the

  • AE Potion
  • fairy dust
  • bagel
  • food additive
  • "fresh looking" greens
  • home made condiments


AE Potion you use in a buffet after some tips for waiter

fairy dust and bagel nowhere for that moment and i don't remember other items

The additive is for lilly

I played this game A LOT of times. I love how you make this, and i hope you will continue to the finish of development and add much more new features  on it!! 

And could you add  an option to give Lilly some donuts from bakery or Stephanie? Just an idea

i’m unable to help lilly with her tummy ache. I even got medicine from Steph


Stephanie will tell you about the medicine but you need to purchase your own bottle from the pharmacy in the grocery store 

(1 edit) (-2)

when i click to strange amulet it showed that:


New fix up that addressed missing hooks that were victims of the great proofread

Is there a cheat menu, if not could you consider adding one?

There is a bug, on the first stage, when i choose to go to the park and wander around, I find an ice cream stand that you can't find on 1st stage, i clicked to get a cone and Aubrey instantly became on the 3rd stage with weight 39 kilos. Tried again, on the 1st stage find hot dog stand, and when I get one she instantly became on the 2nd stage on 34 kilos.

Sorry if you didn't understand what I'm talking about, low skills with english.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, those are remnants from when I was doing testing, they will be fixed momentarily.

Edit: Addressed, thanks again


Can someone tell for what I need A vial of liquid labled "Hyper"? 

You need to give voucher to black haired girl, and she will get again fat, you will can give her "Hyper"

Thank you SK8ER69   but i cant give her the voucher, i cant get it anymore idk

(1 edit)

How to find blackjack?


In the next update you should make animation for everything and let the mainchareter be able to make her tits and but grow permanently

i feel like it would make more sense to be for the scientist in the lab


I think the only thing this game really needs is more fleshed out relationships with Steph and Beth. Mainly in that its easy to miss prompts, I never got the prompt for the first encounter with Beth then suddenly she appears on walks acting like I know her but nothing has developed between us. Similar to Steph where she leaves a note one day and you start spending time with her but it never feels as fleshed out as Jamies interactions who currently seems to be the only viable choice given the encouters with her, in addition to how at least her encounters never seemed to be skipped over in the game.

Okay so it is definitely Beth you need to ask for help with Lilly, not Stephanie. And in order to ensure that happens its crucial to go along the running path a couple of times at the 3 earliest weight gain stages, this ensures youll meet Beth and get her number, otherwise you cant get it later.

Thank you very much do i have to start again.

If youre past the first 4 weight gain stages and dont have her number but you have the other two numbers then yes you'll have restart to avoid missing the prompt with her.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game has come so far it genuinely astonishes me, now becoming my favourite WG game currently I look forward to seeing future updates.

I am stuck however on how to help Lily with her indulgence problem, any solutions?? I have seen people mention talking to Beth or Stephanie but I have completed the full game and spent loads of time with both, and no additional prompt from either came up nor at All Foods either.

i have no idea either i have the same problem with Lilly.


In the next update you should make animation for some things


I can no longer make donations so that Roxanne can gain weight, what do I do?


Hey, what food can I give to the guy at the food store?

how many characters are there that you can give a glizzard voucher to? i've given one to the green haired girl, black haired girl, blue haired girl and pink haired girl, anymore?

I think you can give voucher only to this four girls

I can no longer make donations so that Roxanne can gain weight, what do I do?

How can I help Lily if she has a problem at the end of the current version?

How can I check the scene where I put a gift card in a black-haired woman's bag?

[Used translator]

I haven't seen it again since I happened to see it


Hey you!

Why i can't find "all you can eat"?

walk around the city after some time at a certain weight stage

Im a little stuck. How do i help lily with her cravings?

Walk around

how do you get Beth's number

I really like the route this game is taking, could you give us a sneak peak as what is to come in the next update

What do I do when Lilly says "I hate to bother you but I really hope you find something soon, I wish I could fill my belly as much as it wants me to."

i also tried to call Stephanie but there is no new prompt


you need to have built enough of a relationship with her to feel comfortable enough to ask her for help, if you keep spending time with her eventually the option will appear



I´m a big fan of the game. It´s kinda unique.

I have 2 questions i want to ask you.

1- Are you planning on creating a Discord Server for the community?
2- It´s a pain to start from the beginning everytime you want to play. Is a downloadable version of the game planned?


The plan is to make the game available to download once it is at full release, there is some stuff in the source folders that hasnt been implemented yet and I want to keep them a secret until they are added to the game. As for a discord server, I may look into creating one if there is enough demand for it.

Deleted 362 days ago

Thank you for the fast and open answer.

If you need help with a good organized discord server: I set up and moderate discord servers for years now. I´d be happy to help you out :]

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