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Guys, I need help with fattening Lily, I stopped at the third stage, where she asks for help with losing weight, it says that you need to turn to a person with a love for spandex, I know that this is a sports girl from the park, but she has become huge and no longer runs , will tell you how to fix the situation, and make Beth help Lily, and make Lily grow further

P.S. Now my character's weight is 502 kilos

I'm pretty sure you just have to invite Beth over or hang out you know where you choose between the three main girls and if your at that stage it should prompt a unique event where you bring it up and get the item. Might be wrong though


you have to go to the running path at weight stages 3-4 to get Beth's number, if she is in your contacts you can call her to help with Lilly. If you are too overweight already you will no longer be able to get her number


can you make scenes where you spend time with the goth girl outside of the store, and get to feed her or something? And have more chances to meet up with Roxie 

(1 edit)

Can you make it possible to just put the amulet on the goth girl after the dream and what do I do to make the fairy use her magic to lit you enter the magic shop

the fairy tells you to get 10 watermelons

(1 edit)

i can wait to see more of this. here a suggestion you can do if its possible can you add some that it can make possible to rewatch event  

can you add a sandbox mode that has a menu to choose if you want to add weight loose weight add money loose money 


Just found this project and I have to say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Can't wait for a downloadable version with proper save file system etc. If I may make a recommendation, I think the whole experience would be smoother with a simple stats bar on the side instead of Name: Money=x Energy=x at the top. These stats would be well placed on a sidebar, maybe also with a date that updates which should be easy to implement. It would also make sense to show inventory items here, specifically cooking items and meals owned. Great work, keep it up! Very excited to see more, btw who does the art?

played the new update and liked it a lot , only issue is the fact that I forgot to keep doing the shadowed curious related items and got to the weight stage where it says you can't enter due to your size so it would be great if either another way to enter was put into the game or even an option to pay for the door to be made bigger or something 

(1 edit) (+1)

You can enter again with the help of the fairy from the park, unless you did not buy the amulet and hide it near goth-girl, then you would need to start over.

I bought the amulet and hide it near the goth girl the problem is I forgot to buy the gold coin to start the fairy quest and then got locked out of the store 

Ah yes, that would require a restart then.
Also after you have hidden the amulet you need to spike her drink so she grows some more.

well back to the beginning it is then , thanks for the info 

You are welcome

what do you mean with spike her drink? 

So the use of the strange amulet is to let you enter shadowed curious everytime you want without the weight limit?

After you have hidden the amulet, there schould be something new for sale called "mysterious vial" or something like that, 4 vials in total with 500$ each, one of them is used to spike the drink of the goth


Since you are open to suggestions, I have a few that have been going through my mind while playing.
1. When the MC reaches first name basis with Nicole, how about having them exchange phone numbers too?
2. After MC and Roxanne meet at the all you can eat place, how about letting them do a live stream from there while they try to eat the buffet empty?
3.  After every stage of defeating the hotdog nemesis Sarah, how about doubling the number of hotdogs the MC can buy? You know first its 5 then 10 then 20 then 40 or something like that.
4. After reaching a certain size the dozen donuts seem not that much, how about increasing that numer to 2dozen or 3 dozen?
5. The waitress at the all you can eat is always friendly and nice to the MC, how about the MC invites her to an all you can eat session and the of course the MC pays for it.
6.  When cooking it would be nice to be able to cook more than 1 meal at a time. You save up for 10 meals and then you can cook it in one go, that would be nice. Same for buying ingredients.
7. Stephanie likes to by oversized donuts, would be nice if they were added to the shop so the MC can buy them too maybe even in bulk.
8. Since I saw the funnel feeding machine filling up Roxanne to the brim I have been wondering, how about adding a magical funnel feeding machine to Nicoles shop. Either for the MC to buy or maybe for Nicole and MC to enjoy themselves.
9. Since the MC can/must cook, I think it would be logical that she can also eat her selfcooked food.
10. I think the Icecream from the park should be allowed to be used on other characters too and not just Lilly.

PS:Thank you for this game, I love it. And sorry for that big wall of text.


The ninth one is possible you just have to go to the dishes screen

Ok, just tried it. Never noticed that before.
Sadly after eating one dish the game says "you are too full to eat more"

Load game show me my pictures (downloaded) but not safe file (i have it)

which app do you use for the pictures?

I got the voucher of Glizzard but I cannot get the prompt of giving colleagues the voucher, why?

You can only give the voucher to the pink hair girl, the blue hair girl, the green hair girl and the girl that is acting like a bitch towards you.

I know but I couldn't meet them, is it RNG-based?

(1 edit) (+2)

Running into your coworkers in indeed RNG based, this is something that havs been brought up as frustrating so I am reworking some stuff in the code and structure of the day to make it much more likely that you will run into them, which will be implemented in the next update.

Oh thats good, cause I still have a voucher left and for about 2 weeks I have not been able to get a event to give the voucher to a coworker


I finally played the latest update. And the game has become better in a lot of ways. 

1. Buying ingredients has become easier.

2. The new events with the streamer has become really good with narrative.

3. Many more stuff that it is hard to sort here in chronological order.

I still have some feedback for the current version.

1. The story of the streamer has become so good and the relationship with the MC has become so close that she could be considered a dateable person.

2. At the end of the current version you have the choice who you go with. If you have a considerable amount of money/or whatever way it could be, that you have the choice to move to a better apartment/house.

3. I also read somewhere at the end about "paying rent". Are you going to implement that?

Well if Jamie is collecting rent I'm pretty sure her way of collecting involves a funnel and the MC falling asleep after her tank is full. :)

Exquisite :)

i apologise if im just dumb, but after i gave Lilly the cheesecake and then the cookbook i made a mango smoothie and brownies, but if i click to give Lilly food nothing shows up and in inventory i can only choose to eat what i made... how do i feed Lilly more?


Lilly only wants certain items, so if you don't have them prepared they won't appear as an option. Also of note, when making food in your cookbook you have to make sure you have all the ingredients purchased in order to actually prepare the recipe. "Perpare" should appear under the selected food item if you have all the stuff needed to make it. I'm going to look into adding some kind of notification to make it more apparent when you don't have all the required items to make a dish. 

What food do Diane eat?

Fruit salad

I fed her fruit salad and now she said she needs something to gain weight faster

after that just go to the lab

where can i find the lab? or how can i unlock it? i have just unlocked the buffet if some hints about my progress are needed (PC is 118 kg)

The lab will be unlocked automatically when you reach a weight were the PC worries about becoming immobile.




Any new updates


When's the next update.


It's going to be a while still, my time to work on the game is limited and the holiday season has been busy as well, but I promise that it is being worked on whenever I have the chance to.


Take your time. I rather have a good game than a fast release.


Guys, what is incense good for?

Helps you gain weight

how do I help Diane?

Feed her fruit salad


I feel like itd be useful to have some sort of guide available either in or out of game so its easier to explore the game

Yeah, had to restart several times because I miss this event or that event or gained weight too fast.

how do i help Lilly

how do you get the other Boss image stages? 

When can make it available for download

can someone late game save fil,e

Or link to it

to download

I think It wold be cool If you add more than one weight gain stages bc of The time of development, But only if it's not a hassle Or if you have time to spare of course


When you gained weight in 1008 pounds, is there a continuation?

Not yet

can you make a discord server 


The picture did not download.

What is the purpose of the amulet?

it helps you slowly gain weight

I've been playing this over and over again. This game is really good.

(2 edits)

How do i help Lilly with her tummy? I cant get Beth's number and i just get the interaction on walks/running with the ice break or something. (im at 239kg/526p).

Edit: i found the answer and started over to get her. but how do get Diane?


I'm guessing what happened is that you gained weight too quickly and you ended up passing by the checks to acquire Beth's number. Your not the first person this has happened to, if you don't visit the park very often then your likely to miss the event that unlocks her phone number. I'll see about what I can do to change that in the next update

(1 edit)

Yeah, i restarted the run and got her. Thanks for the help


if you visit the grocery store enough times you will unlock her


where/how do i use the

  • AE Potion
  • fairy dust
  • bagel
  • food additive
  • "fresh looking" greens
  • home made condiments


AE Potion you use in a buffet after some tips for waiter

fairy dust and bagel nowhere for that moment and i don't remember other items

The additive is for lilly

I played this game A LOT of times. I love how you make this, and i hope you will continue to the finish of development and add much more new features  on it!! 

And could you add  an option to give Lilly some donuts from bakery or Stephanie? Just an idea

i’m unable to help lilly with her tummy ache. I even got medicine from Steph


Stephanie will tell you about the medicine but you need to purchase your own bottle from the pharmacy in the grocery store 

(1 edit) (-2)

when i click to strange amulet it showed that:


New fix up that addressed missing hooks that were victims of the great proofread

Is there a cheat menu, if not could you consider adding one?

There is a bug, on the first stage, when i choose to go to the park and wander around, I find an ice cream stand that you can't find on 1st stage, i clicked to get a cone and Aubrey instantly became on the 3rd stage with weight 39 kilos. Tried again, on the 1st stage find hot dog stand, and when I get one she instantly became on the 2nd stage on 34 kilos.

Sorry if you didn't understand what I'm talking about, low skills with english.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, those are remnants from when I was doing testing, they will be fixed momentarily.

Edit: Addressed, thanks again


Can someone tell for what I need A vial of liquid labled "Hyper"? 

You need to give voucher to black haired girl, and she will get again fat, you will can give her "Hyper"

Thank you SK8ER69   but i cant give her the voucher, i cant get it anymore idk

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How to find blackjack?

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