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The html don't have any sound when play on phone... Would be good if there's a patch so I don't have to download the whole thing... 

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I want to start by saying that this game is great and im loving the new update, it was well worth the wait, that being said i feel like some characters and items still need a little more to them.

First i would love if we could have more people to use the whole sandwich on, i think kali is a good option, the same this applies to the ray gun, i know its meant to be just some fun little thing but i think its a shame that the endgame items (ray gun and the whole sandwich) are limited to only side characters.

Second i think some of the side character endings need something more, once again i think the best examples are Cici kali and lily, considering the endings you get after doing everything you can i think it would be cool if we had 2-3 more panels of art

Finally, although its not everyone's thing i think you should be able to feed Cici more people after she meets tiffany.

Just thought of something else, it would be cool if you could feed the whole sandwich or use the ray gun on Cici and Tiffany when they are in the glass cage. same thing for Kali if she's in the lab.

As i continue to play i will also add and bugs i find below:

None of the images for the gym seem to work (going off of art of a girl in the gym from one of the status updates)

Not sure if its a bug but can just start a new day after reaching the end so i have to go through the ending over and over.

That's it for now, i love this game so much and its a shame its over but i cant wait to see what you make in the future.


gym membership doesn't go down after buying it once

How many girls can you recruit for the maid cafe?

(2 edits)

Uh, I can't cook the Lamb, even when I have all the ingredients. Also, even though I cooked the Strawberry Tart, I can't buy the ingredients in bulk at All Foods. Also, for some reason I can't play the game on the browser. I'm playing it on Microsoft Edge. Has anybody had any issues playing it on Safari, Firefox or Chrome?

I'm playing it on chrome and I'm having the same problems, also the game let me buy in bulk the ingredients for the lamb even though it haven't let me cook it first

Great job ! I'm i can't wait to discover all these new things <3


is it possible to add a zip file to view the content you want to receive?


Yes that is the plan, I am just in the process of condensing down file sizes so that it isn't a 2 gig download

I’ve noticed that going to the movies seems to crash the browser version of the game, not sure if that’s just me tho! 

Need a way to get more cards, due to familiarity i accidently kept giving lemonade girl all the cards and couldn't figure out how to get more.


Currently the cards are a limited item, because they are tied to an optional questline. I'm thinking of making it so that you can get more but it will cost money to do so. Right now you start with more cards than there are girls that will accept them, allowing for some mistakes. But if you mess up too many times then you lock yourself out.

Gotcha thank!

what’s the raygun for ? Lol 


Where are the Chocolates for Carmen?

any luck finding em?

Unfortunately not.

Why do you think I asked?


There is an issue in the current build that prevents this line from being completed unfortunately, it will be fixed in the next patch


All the files I previously saved are not working after the update.

I don't know if it should be like this or not, but I have to go to the gym only if I walk around the city, and after training in the menu of choosing where to go, it shows "That I have already been engaged and tired", so I thought that there should be an opportunity to go to the gym, otherwise it's a little bit through the city It's not convenient! And so the game is great, thank you very much! You're cool!

where do you find the chocolates

Seeriously, Where?


Is there a way to get more flyers for the maid cafe? Apparently after you go through them I can't use it more?

It's a really great and fun game, but I have faced some problems

After buying the special glasses that let me see the NPC food preferences, I can never give them any food, even thou I have the ones they like

And no matter how much I search, I can never proceed with Cici sidequest. I didn't have this problem before

Que uso para correr el archivo? Lo descargo y abro con brave, me crashea y mi telefono se pone lentisimo


El juego no está optimizado para uso en teléfono por el momento, se solucionará, pero por el momento recomiendo usar una PC.

(1 edit) (-1)

No tendrás planeado hacer alguna versión en español?


Bueno, no hablo español, así que lamentablemente no creo que sea la mejor persona para hacer una traducción.

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Could we make a translating team or channel in the discord server? I could use the learning, and isn't a bad idea though, i know some bilingual fans would be willing to help.

PD: I got the same (Or well, i'm probably the only Mapache there) name at Discord server.

para telefono no corre, pero puedes tratar de usar con chrome, y si lo quieres en español tendras que usar chrome y usar el auto traductor de google


Uso brave y Chrome pero en ambos me crashea, mejor espero a que lo optimicen para telefono

Welcome back!

Amigo te lo pido de favor, no, de favor no, te reso a ti y a dios de que porfavor no le pongas precio al juego, no importa si vale 3 dolares, no podre pagarlo, aqui en cuba no podemos hacer compras online y mucho menos crearnos una cuenta bancaria online, porfavor si vas a ponerle precio a algo que sea a un futuro DLC pero porfavor no me prives de jugar a tu juego 🙏🥹


El juego sigue siendo gratuito. Si quieres descargarlo, recibirás un mensaje para hacer una donación, pero puedes saltártelo haciendo clic en el pequeño texto que está sobre el cuadro de precio. No hay obligación de pagar. Además, en cuanto a una versión para Android, actualmente no tengo planes de hacerla, principalmente porque no sé cómo hacerlo, pero veré qué puedo hacer. (Por cierto, esto fue traducido por Google, así que perdonen la redacción).

Al final saldra en APK para android y de mas plataformas? Me temo que no lo puedo jugar cuando lo descargo ya que a pesar de que me abre al instante las imágenes no cargan por culpa de mi conexión de menos de 1MB así que espero una versión en APK para ya no tener ese problema el cual me pasa con todos los juegos de navegador que descargo 

el juego es un archivo html asi que puedes abrirlo en chrome que esta en cualquier telefono (android)

El problema no es que no me abra cuando lo descargo y lo ejecuto en chrome, ya que me abre al momento y sin tiempo de carga, el problema es que por mi conexión las imágenes no cargan, donde unico me cargan las imágenes, cuando unico me cargan las imágenes es cuando lo ejecuto en (la plataforma en la que estamos) pero claro, eso esperando su merecida media hora para que abra y cargue todo, el problema es que no se si se tardara media hora con el monumental peso de la nueva actualización (mi conexión por el dia es de ente 200KB y 800KB y por la madrugada a las 2:00AM supera el 1MB, ademas de que en mi pais "Cuba" utilizamos datos mobiles para conectarnos a internet) así que si, estoy bien jodido

why did you decide to get rid of the zip file?


It was to condense the file size and make it playable on itch.

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Can I not play this game on Android anymore it keeps giving me a skull face 


It is likely because it is now one html file instead of a zip containing many files

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So I could still play it in browser then?


yes it is currently playable in browser, but fair warning it does take a good amount of time for the game to load. It is much faster to download the game and play it locally.

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WOW WOW I am so hyped


Currently the HTML used for the game is very large and is causing it to take a very long time to load through the browser. I am working on fixing this issue, but for the time being I would recommend just downloading the attached file and playing locally.

In general, the game is ready, but there are problems with the size of the html file for the browser?


All the files are condensed into a single HTML file currently, which is about 364MB, I believe the way the itch browser works is that is uploads the html file and then plays it drawing from the attached files. And most of the time that file is at most a few MB, I have someone helping me optimize in a way that will work better for itch. It will just take a little bit

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Could you fix it if you wanted to


I am in process of fixing it.

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when will the update come out?

oye crees que puedas hacer una versión en forma de aplicación, no todos tenemos una buena conexión a Internet, yo por ejemplo mi conexión por el día es de entre 200 y 800KB, además de que es imposible cargar una partida con mi conexión a Internet, te propongo crear una versión en aplicación que sirva para todas las plataformas incluido Android, además de agregar un sistema de guardado desde dentro de el juego en lugar de ser algo externo como lo es ahora. Porfavor con lo de el sistema de guardado estoy feliz 🥺lo de hacer al juego una aplicación ya puede ser secundario, Porfavor te lo suplico, cada vez que abro el juego tengo que esperar 20 minutos para abrirlo

Primero hay que dejar que termine la actualización y luego se lo pedimos para que no tenga más carga y tarde más en actualizarlo

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You should add an other store or magic shop so you can gain weight really fast and you should add a forest quest like you did with cici.

I can't enter Shadowed Curos


Talk to the fairy in your room she asks for 10 melon

Thank you 

She doesn't give me the option


Dude, I hope the update comes out soon.

Whenever I choose the save to load it doesn't do anything and just leaves me on the starting screen, is there any way to fix this?

when downloading 6.2 it doesnt show that its 6.2 but 6.1 as seen here. is this supposed to be happening

around about how many more characters will there be


Can you tell me the sandwich recipe?

Fairy dust, high quality meat, flavor enhancers, homemade condiments, fresh leaf greens, flawless baked bread

And where can I get them?

(1 edit)

Fairy dust from Ophilia (the fairy), High quality meat from the buffet waitress, homemade condiments from Sandra (hot dog rival), fresh leaf greens from Diane (grocery store worker), flawless baked bread from donut baker. I forgot the last one, but I'm pretty sure the flavour enhancers came from Tiffany (the mad scientist). You get them all as rewards for progressing through their stories

Edit: just checked, you get the flavour enhancers for finishing Cici's quest


Hey bro I just wanted to say this is the best game I've played in a very long time. It sucks our community doesnt have as much as vanilla communities but I'm so glad you put in the time and effort to bring this to life and I just can't wait to see what the future holds for you. The side-characters like the baker, the buffet waitress, the hot dog girl, and the shopkeeper were my favorites! Sorry I can't remember their names, it's been a couple months since I played. Looking forward to the next update man! 

And let me know if there's anything I can ever do to support or help out with development! I dabble in all artistic mediums but I figure if you need an extra hand for writing or proofreading I'd always be glad to assist. 

it's not letting me load my save, whenever i select a file to load windows asks me to pick an app to open it, how would i fix this problem?


if you boot up the game on the initial screen there is a load game button. If you press that it will ask you select a file to open, choose the file that was created when you saved your game. 

 whenever i select a file in that screen it doesn't work, i was asking to see if anyone knew how to fix it

sad  no one knows how to fix

hello how do i load the game 

Hi, how do I fatten a fairy?

give her fruits

I gave her over 8


Might be a bit late but you need to give her fruits of increasingly bigger sizes, so like strawberry to kiwi to apple and so on

jakiego ai używasz sorry I forgot that in English not Polish what AI you use 


I was wondering if there is a way to save my game. Every time I open it its at the start.


Wow i genuinely never saw that. Thank you so much.


i wish there was a discord server about this game

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