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How to get AE Liquid?

Deleted 1 year ago

no way, there is nothing if you click "wait" about 100 times at the start of game:((((((

what is the ai art generator you use?

there's an answer further down in the comments that explains it

What do you use the fairy dust for and the beef and the bagel

I don't think they have an implemented use yet

How do i reset it to start again?

you have to delete cookies for

how do you get the glizzard ending????????? i can only ever managed to eat one

The contest of the hot dogs and keep getting hot dogs

(1 edit)

"The sun shines brightly on another morning, you have the day off from work so you were able to sleep in a bit today, you attempt to hoist yourself out of bed, but find you can't lift up your heavy body,

Looks like you have eaten yourself into immobility, perhaps you should have taken Tiffany up on her offer.
"Immobile ending""

So rare...

How do you get this ending

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

IDK, this ending happened to me once by accident, the second time when I stuffed myself with food to the maximum. At stages ~100kg I used smth like: espresso + eat on work + Jammie come over/dinner + large meal x3. It's too random...

do you have the full image?


This ending is unlocked if you do not go and visit the lab before you would reach the weight stage that comes after its introduction.

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, I'm a huge fan of your game! So cool! Hope it comes with a downloadable version some day, but it's such a really great work. Cheers!


my save got deleted once again, if it's possible it would be really nice if a way to export/import saves could be implemented to prevent future save erasures.


You should add more fat stages for the main character

Hi Alvin, how close is the next update?


It is coming along, I'm starting to see the end of the tunnel so it shouldn't be too much longer


You're doing a fantastic job <3

Deleted post

Can you give us a leak


A certain streamer will be getting alot of love in the next update. Keep it on the dl though

that's gonna be nice

(1 edit) (+1)

What ai do you use and what do you use as a prompt

You can also add more wg for ophilia 

One question: What food makes Lily fat the most? 


can we please make this girl an important character? i love her design and she looks adorable! 


got softlocked on lily's bad end

I need to replay since i was not able to completely fatten up lily. 
I love the pacing and I definitely enjoy the growth progression.

-would love to be able to give anyone the vials and or the storekeeper of the magic store

-I know its not complete but id love to see jamie, steph, and beth grow at our rate more

-i know she grows big but id love to see the muckbanger be true blob

-the hotdog stand *chefs kiss

I found this game out about a month ago maybe and I love it. Keep it up!


Hello !
I really like your game (i haven't finished it yet)
I think it's quite sad that there isn't any "save" option (or maybe there is one that i haven't found ?)
I also wanted to know if you were interested in a translation of the game ?


I played through it twice trying to find all the endings. The game is incredible! Respect to the developer and neural networks!

There are the following comments and suggestions:

- Mukbanger gets fat very easily, but Lilly, on the contrary, is difficult to fatten due to the long purchase of ingredients.

- Sometimes, when you drink coffee, an event occurs with a part-time job, you could put an energy multiplier on money so that you work longer, or give this hour for after-work hours.

- I also found a problem with the amount of food. In your inventory, you can eat 2-3 plates at any weight. (I think the developer has not yet worked on these branches, there is really a lot of work)

- I would also like a picture of the main character’s staffing at the event with Stephanie Feeding session.

This game is worthy of a BAFTA award...


One more thing.

Random in “go for a walk” is often duplicated, or does not give what you need. It would be possible to divide this button into functions:

Go to Park:

- Take a walk: Meet Beth or future characters;

- Go to the hot dog stand;

- Go to the fountain.

Explore the city: search for new establishments.


Your game lacks the ability to download saves or a save directory so that you can replay the game and save old saves without overwriting them with new ones

Deleted 299 days ago

you don't need a bakery for that cheesecake. you need to go in shadowed curios

Deleted post

i dont think it should be possible aubrey to weight 10 kilos, one of my legs weight more


I will be waiting for your updates. I really liked the game.<3 and I have an idea for experiments to transfer fat to height because the taller she is the more she can eat

Do you think you could possibly make the bakery owner grow as well due to the fact that you can treat them to their own donuts??? I love the game , great images and story

I would recommend continuing to treat her to donuts, you'll see that she does in fact start to put on weight 

Deleted post

loved this game, can't wait for more

what ai did you use?


I use NovelAI to help generate the images, then I refine them on Dezgo using the something anime bot on that site. I also do touch ups on the images during the process to help the bots make the images align with what I want.

I think my one criticism is how repetitively clicky the game is in certain ways.

I want to preface that I don't know anything about design or the engine used so I'm sure there is a reason for it all and I will be happy to be corrected/enlightened on this.

Being kicked back to the core submenu for cooking or buying ingredients is a real wrist-killer and makes them a chore to do. If we could buy or cook without being kicked back, or use those actions in bulk (say buying milk at 5x), it would be a lot less tedious and potentially painful.

In a similar vein, it seems like the 'Calling it a night' and 'goodnight' inputs could probably just be unified to a single sleep input.

Overall I've been greatly enjoying the game and its story for several patches now, so good work on the Dev for consistently pushing out updates.


so the way the cooking and shopping menus work are that they are all links that adjust the variables associated with them. But those links expire once clicked, so for the links to be reactivated the page they are on need to be reloaded, which is why the page resets everytime you purchase a food item. Ditto for cooking. I have been working on something new for the next update and I think I have come up with a better solution to reduce clicking. The good night thing being separate from the calling it a night is to give the player a chance to recognize that they are out of energy before continuing on, it also helps me with coding since the call it a day prompt is what checks to see if you can move on to the next weight stage. Makes it easier to work with under the hood for me.

Buy 10, buy 50


there is something if you go below the starting weight?

25 nothing, i don't think it something below


It is normal that in each update I lose my saves

yes. that is supposed to happen, neither i or the dev know why this happens.

(1 edit)

Ya descubrí por qué lo que pasa es que en cada actualización se actualiza el sitio web y al actualizar la siguiente actualización el código cambia, por ejemplo si pegas el minecraft del más avanzado al menos avanzado el archivo se corromperá pero en este caso De lo contrario, la versión anterior se corrompe y se restablece el guardado. 

(6 edits) (+1)

Some ideas for your game (already sorry for my English)

1 all not ready content marked work in progress (wip) or future updates content (fuc) (fairy dust (fuc))

2 all liquid glasses is closed before used in cutscene (like give WG to ghotic girl) and after that it will half-empty and this you can drink (except Be and Hyper because (fuc)

3 (final weight stage, you was try to go shadowed curios, "walk") 

You walking in the park when see some familiar fase (ghotic girl picture)

{Hello}(this {} mean button)

G - oh, hello, we so long not meeting!

Y - yeah, i try to go your shop some time ago, but main door is to small (you slap your hips)

G - oh yeah, i was have same problem, so now i enter in the garage door

Y - hay, can i also use it

G - yes, of corse, everything for my favourite customer 😉

Y - ok, thanks, goodbye.

(After this when you try to enter the shop, you see dialog)

You stand in front of Shadowed curios

{Try front door} - (your hips still to wide {that's hot}-to: infront of Sh.C. , or if you lose weight- i again can enter here? It's very bad {enter}- to: Sh.C.) 

{Use garage door} - enter Sh.C.


(I again very sorry for my english)

4 in Sh.C you can buy photo album, it go to your inventory, and it contained all game art, like you open it, and see categories-

{Your gaining}

{Phone calls}

{In-work cut scenes}




And if open category you see

Your gaining

          {Phase 1}




                    {See all cut scene}

          Phase 2(locked)

          Phase 3(locked)


(Yeah, i know it work harder than lift up MC in mukbang streamer end, but it just ideas) 

5 Something like hiden ending (example) :

Jamie - can you work more today (u know what dialog i mean)

Y - yeah

You make your work, {let's do this again}

You working allot, text, text

Y - oh, so hard .pant. so hot .pant. i wanna {strip}.pant.

You working allot, text, text, allot of text {end day}

But if you find {strip} button, you see secret cut scene (with Jamie or some other worker)(if you add "idea 4" it will be in "other"

 That's all, i'm sorry for possibly. longest comment in your life, and again, my english (mb. it not that bad, but i don't think i said oll korrect.) 

How do you get a cheesecake for lilly?

you ask the attendant at the magic shop

I noticed that everytime I try to save it says "Sorry, I couldnt save your game", so I lost alot of progress, any chance this is an issue on my end?

That would be the case, the message only pops up if the save file associated with the save link couldn't be reached. There isn't anything in the games code that should interfere with that save link so if you are getting that message then something is wrong with your instance of the game in your browser.


Nice Update ! Just small bug report : when getting the "hot-dog gluttony end" you cant go back to menu or reload a new game (some other ends was having the same issue before) and the button/link work.


In "mukbang streamer end" missed one picture 

how did you get this end ?

Glizard, glizard, allot of glizard.

How to get "donut shop item"?


50$ = 10 coffee

500$ = also 10 coffee 


Glad to see another great game using AI smartly. I havent played long enough to reach Lily’s bad end but is there a way to avoid it?


You need to go to the curio shop in order to get a magic item that will help you appease her

oh that item, so if I deliberately not giving her, I will trigger the bad ending sequence right? I kinda missed the content there hmm.

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