how many characters are there that you can give a glizzard voucher to? i've given one to the green haired girl, black haired girl, blue haired girl and pink haired girl, anymore?
you need to have built enough of a relationship with her to feel comfortable enough to ask her for help, if you keep spending time with her eventually the option will appear
1- Are you planning on creating a Discord Server for the community? 2- It´s a pain to start from the beginning everytime you want to play. Is a downloadable version of the game planned?
The plan is to make the game available to download once it is at full release, there is some stuff in the source folders that hasnt been implemented yet and I want to keep them a secret until they are added to the game. As for a discord server, I may look into creating one if there is enough demand for it.
Could we get a save file? I love the game but its very tedious to get to the end. I have done it on the last few updates, this one provided new content but I am not sure I want to keep doing with each update.
When talking with her she mentions that she will need 10 watermelons in order to cast a spell to help you back into the shop, if you visit her with at least 10 watermelons in your inventory then an option will pop up
not sure if im missing simething but to progress one of my relationships I need to ask someone who is known for wearing spandex, which I believe is the woman you can meet walking in the park, but im not getting any prompts to talk to them beyond going home after the meet up
if you try "call someone" -> Jamie -> Go for dinner it only shows: You and Jamie go out for dinner. (there are no buttons or anything) ^^ (Weight: 441 pounds/201 kilos)
how do i know that ive done everything with the goth? I've made a thing happen and i can't seem to buy anything new or make anything else happen, but i dont see any sign of being let back into their store anytime soon
me to wait that fairy bring her back home and ask her to make you a bit smaller then go to shadow curios and i think you should the goth girl outside the shop with some new assets.
Somehow I missed connecting with Beth? I'm not sure that I can still proc the event to get her number at my current weight stage, and I'm getting occasional events where my character already knows her name even though I never even bumped into her as an acquaintance. I guess I didn't use the running path enough as earlier weight stages? (But I did wander around the park quite a bit.) This impacts progression with Lily.
Also I got challengers to my Glizzard title on this release before I had even claimed the title initially.
had the same thing with the glizzard challenge except after losing the first time it didn’t seem to let me progress once I lost a second time. I’m not sure if that’s because if a genuine bug or I’m just not seeing where the prompt to continue is
Thank you for the report. Beth was found primarily on the running path instead of from wandering around, but I think it is important that you run into her, so I added a chance to run into her just from wandering around as well. I also changed the variables so that you can't miss the hot dog contests.
thanks for the fast updates. Can I ask are you meant to be able to do anything with Diane once she asks if there’s a faster way? Or have I just not reached that yet
Right now the only thing exploring the city can do is unlock Shadow Curios and Sweet craving at the beginning of the game, and the buffet later in the game, after weight stage 6. It will be expanded upon in future updates
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how many characters are there that you can give a glizzard voucher to? i've given one to the green haired girl, black haired girl, blue haired girl and pink haired girl, anymore?
I think you can give voucher only to this four girls
I can no longer make donations so that Roxanne can gain weight, what do I do?
How can I help Lily if she has a problem at the end of the current version?
How can I check the scene where I put a gift card in a black-haired woman's bag?
[Used translator]
I haven't seen it again since I happened to see it
Hey you!
Why i can't find "all you can eat"?
walk around the city after some time at a certain weight stage
Im a little stuck. How do i help lily with her cravings?
Walk around
how do you get Beth's number
I really like the route this game is taking, could you give us a sneak peak as what is to come in the next update
What do I do when Lilly says "I hate to bother you but I really hope you find something soon, I wish I could fill my belly as much as it wants me to."
i also tried to call Stephanie but there is no new prompt
you need to have built enough of a relationship with her to feel comfortable enough to ask her for help, if you keep spending time with her eventually the option will appear
I´m a big fan of the game. It´s kinda unique.
I have 2 questions i want to ask you.
1- Are you planning on creating a Discord Server for the community?
2- It´s a pain to start from the beginning everytime you want to play. Is a downloadable version of the game planned?
The plan is to make the game available to download once it is at full release, there is some stuff in the source folders that hasnt been implemented yet and I want to keep them a secret until they are added to the game. As for a discord server, I may look into creating one if there is enough demand for it.
Thank you for the fast and open answer.
If you need help with a good organized discord server: I set up and moderate discord servers for years now. I´d be happy to help you out :]
I really like the game, diane have only 1 growth ?
Currently she only has the one growth stage yes.
Lilly asks me for help again with her belly, what do I do?
call Stephanie, her new dialogue should open a new area in "All foods"
How long does it usually take for that to occur, Ive been doing lots of things with Stephanie repeatedly yet still no prompt
I want to play the intro but I can't get a option after clearing my throat around the secretary
Could we get a save file? I love the game but its very tedious to get to the end. I have done it on the last few updates, this one provided new content but I am not sure I want to keep doing with each update.
Diane asks me if there is a faster way to gain weight, what is it?
So I want to get into the shop but I don't know what to do after I talked to the fairy so what do I do?
When talking with her she mentions that she will need 10 watermelons in order to cast a spell to help you back into the shop, if you visit her with at least 10 watermelons in your inventory then an option will pop up
Sorry to bother you again but when Lilly asks for help again with her clothing, what do I do as I tried speaking with beth
Avilandthechipmunks how am i able to help liily grow.
Great game! Could we get a scene gallery somehow?
How to get voucher?
where has the load game button gone?
that's a common option, it just has a chance of disappearing and deleting your save.
Why streamer end take money and weight?
Lilly tells me to find something to help her, how do I do it?
find beth and interact with her
I can't find a way to progress with Diane, I just give her food and it doesn't do anything, what can I do?
I have meet Tiffany and did all her tests
not sure if im missing simething but to progress one of my relationships I need to ask someone who is known for wearing spandex, which I believe is the woman you can meet walking in the park, but im not getting any prompts to talk to them beyond going home after the meet up
im having the same problem with Lilly have you found a way to fix it.
if you try "call someone" -> Jamie -> Go for dinner it only shows: You and Jamie go out for dinner. (there are no buttons or anything) ^^
(Weight: 441 pounds/201 kilos)
Thank you for the report, I will address that in the next patch
Are you able to find a way to allow lily to fill her belly or is that the end point atm?
Talk to the fairy
Hello, I wonder if there is a way to use hyper potion on other people, maybe I didn't find it?
Use it on the bitchy co worker obce you give her the hotdog voucher
how do i know that ive done everything with the goth? I've made a thing happen and i can't seem to buy anything new or make anything else happen, but i dont see any sign of being let back into their store anytime soon
me to wait that fairy bring her back home and ask her to make you a bit smaller then go to shadow curios and i think you should the goth girl outside the shop with some new assets.
Can't wait for the next update
Somehow I missed connecting with Beth? I'm not sure that I can still proc the event to get her number at my current weight stage, and I'm getting occasional events where my character already knows her name even though I never even bumped into her as an acquaintance. I guess I didn't use the running path enough as earlier weight stages? (But I did wander around the park quite a bit.) This impacts progression with Lily.
Also I got challengers to my Glizzard title on this release before I had even claimed the title initially.
had the same thing with the glizzard challenge except after losing the first time it didn’t seem to let me progress once I lost a second time. I’m not sure if that’s because if a genuine bug or I’m just not seeing where the prompt to continue is
Yeah it was a bug, but I have addressed it.
Thank you for the report. Beth was found primarily on the running path instead of from wandering around, but I think it is important that you run into her, so I added a chance to run into her just from wandering around as well. I also changed the variables so that you can't miss the hot dog contests.
thanks for the fast updates. Can I ask are you meant to be able to do anything with Diane once she asks if there’s a faster way? Or have I just not reached that yet
You need to have at gone to the lab and met Tiffany first before you can continue with Diane
thanks I just got the dialogue. It’s really cool you’ve developed some of the other cast members
so, to get to the lab, do you just explore the city or something else? already had the dialogue with Diane, but not seeing where I can get to the lab.
Also how do we find a way for Lilly to eat when her body wants to?
i dont no either its hard
every time i explore the city it is the exact same and nothing is different i just want to know if this is intentional
Right now the only thing exploring the city can do is unlock Shadow Curios and Sweet craving at the beginning of the game, and the buffet later in the game, after weight stage 6. It will be expanded upon in future updates
at a certain point i cant donate to the streamer anymore i dont know if it is deliberate or not
that is the current maximum size for the streamer, so it is intentional
who is this spandex lady that the main protagist thinks about to help lilly and to help lilly not to go as fast with her clothes.
The fairy will not let you go back to your home after eating
Good evening, I wanted to comment that some of the images fail to load. I don't know if it is the Chorme browser or another type of error.