How do I get the best sandwich quest and how do I enter the Curio again (I have all the ingredients and the fairy) I chose the Beth rout is that has any effect.
Which girl do I need to bring so that she finally starts getting fat, and doesn’t give every girl a turn, I’ve already finished the game 4 times in her stomach, it’s infuriating!
Last question, is the high quality meat only possible to get before the maximum weight or it can be by wandering around? What i mean in short is which do you click the wander around or use the running path
You have to feed her until she gets impatient, then you can visit tiffany in the lab, she will give you something to help the food shop girl gain weight
Some of the pictures in the game aren't showing (the one I'm really sad about is not being able to see the start of the day, about to get out of bed with stephanie). I'm also playing the browser version on mobile if that helps.
Downloaded versions of Twine games often wont load their images on mobile due to nonsense with how Android file permissions work. Either play the embedded version (which the author has sadly not enabled mobile view mode for, I know) or find an app that can properly load twine games (I think there was a specific one but I forget the name of it).
Hello ! I'm very curious about the AI you used to make all of those images ! Your game is very interesting too i love the mechanics ! Looking forward for the next update :)
Your game and new update are so amazing! I have just one request. Can you please make an option for fast cooking? I am very grateful for fast shopping and it will be amazing to have something like that for cooking. An option to input number of cooking meals at least And I also agree with the request to make a guide for the game Thank you again for your outstanding work!
So what is happening is that you went past the weight stage that allows for you to get Beth's number, you can get it at stage 4 and stage 5 but past that point it doesn't work but the code is trying to get you to see the event that gives you her number, it will be fixed in the next major update, but for the time bein you are trapped in a bug, my apologies.
I recommend you to restart the game again, Cici's Vore story is "difficult" to complete. I recommend the normal deal where you feed them. you get the perfect sandwich by finishing Cici's quest after you take her to the laboratory, then you have to finish the fairy's quest, you have to win the hotdog contest 3 times, give the BE and AE to 2 npcs the one from the donut shop and the another is that of all you can eat
I am grateful for the answer, but there is one snag that prevents me from not only doing everything correctly, but also understanding your explanation. I am not a native speaker, and I know it “very poorly”. There is a lot of text in the game (and yes, I know what I was doing, I still play it) and I simply physically cannot translate everything, as I now translate everything using Google Translator.
I didn't understand too much, but you helped me anyway. Thank you <3
RESOLVED: Who is the short person you need to find for Cici? Please help!
( I figured it out through hours of trial and error) The girl has dyed hair and is met on the train to work. Additionally, she is categorized as petite rather than short but it still works.
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How do I get the best sandwich quest and how do I enter the Curio again (I have all the ingredients and the fairy) I chose the Beth rout is that has any effect.
can someone upload a save with cici level fat cat 10? please
Which girl do I need to bring so that she finally starts getting fat, and doesn’t give every girl a turn, I’ve already finished the game 4 times in her stomach, it’s infuriating!
I found a bug I think
help I have stuck the baker when she is on a diet.
what type of girl do I need to bring cici when she shows a paper of a forest
Guys can you help me ? I made Aubrey get so big that I can't get into the shadowed curious anymore, and I don't know what to do next .
You need the fairy from the Park.
How do i unlock the lab?
Gain weight until the MC thinks she might lose her mobility, she will then call tiffany and that will unlock the lab
Great game, mime girl is best girl
can someone tell me how the get all of the ingredients and from who for the perfect sandwich?
(if i correctly know) 2 after giving AE and BE, after 3 wins in hotdog eating, after Cici quest, after fairy quest, and last idk
how did you get stage 10 of cici? i gave him about 30 hogs and nothing.
The fairy Ophilia = Fairy Dust
The one at the Market = Fresh Leaf Greens
La Panadera = Flawless Baked Bread
Buffet event = High Quality Meat
Cici's Event = Flavor Enhancers
I don't know who gave it to me 😅 = Homemade Condiments
homemade condiments are from the hotdog contest rival girl
high quality meat is from the all you can eat buffet girl
Last question, is the high quality meat only possible to get before the maximum weight or it can be by wandering around? What i mean in short is which do you click the wander around or use the running path
the buffet for the high quality meat can be found wandering around the city, not the park
just asking what do i need to get it ? do i need to tip or..... and where can i find la panadora and which greens excatly that is fresh leaf greans
when you visit the all you can eat you need to tip, if you tip 100$ the girl gets fatter faster and you will get the meat faster
Hey any idea or tips to get jamie fairy ending?
I asked that too, the Dev said its not yet implemented.
i can't get lily to gain weight she wants new clothes or something i don't know where to find them
Ve con Beth, ella puede ayudarte, después de encontrarla varias veces en el parque te dará su número y le puedes pedir la ayuda.
is there another place that i can visit her? cuz i went to the park and there's no option for new clothes.
normally you should meet her a few times in the park and then get her phone number so you can call her
Last weight
Why i giving food to stock girl but she doesn't get fatter
You have to feed her until she gets impatient, then you can visit tiffany in the lab, she will give you something to help the food shop girl gain weight
How to offer something with lamb?
You need the cook book, not sure which of the 3. There you will find recieps for cooking.
Aww man i loved the game, i dont want Aubrey history to end until shes has large has Lilly....
Well if you eat the sandwich, Aubrey can be her own city/planet. XD
Here is no ENTER
Is there a guide because I'm lost on how to move forward with the story?
PS very good game I love it
Can you explain where you are stuck/ where you story currently is?
I have no idea, I restarted it and the only story I have managed to advance is the one about the cat girl.
Well the main mission for the MC is to gain weight, at different weight stages different events will happen to progress the story
I have been trying to find the Jamie-Fairy path/ending, but so far I have no clue.
Does anyone know?
That path hasn't been implemented yet in game, it will be a part of the next major update.
Ah ok, thank you.
Is the Gothcheescake also not yet in the game?
what does Diane eat?
What i need to do with lili when she need my halp?
what does CiCi's first prey look like
You just need to find someone who is petite.
Is it possible to update the game without losing the saves or without losing ability to play on new scenes
simply said is it possible to play with old save and still experience new scenes?
For now it's not, because a lot change on the story between the version, and you the saves are not compatibles with newer version
i call stephanie to help me with lilly, but i didnt get anything to help her, can you help me pls?
You need to go to the store and get medecine i believe
I'm trying to load my save in this version and it doesn't work. Any idea why it won't let me?
I think you can't sadly
Game have issue between version and since there's a lot of change, you can't really get back at where you stoppe
can anyone tell me how to get more recipes? I can't find whatever it is besides the beginners cookbook
I think you need to make the sale girl bigger, and also offer a looooot of food to the blue girl at work (idk her name)
I accidentally skipped Ophilia's text when asking for her help to get into curios curios, what do I have to do in order to regain access?
10 watermelons
Some of the pictures in the game aren't showing (the one I'm really sad about is not being able to see the start of the day, about to get out of bed with stephanie). I'm also playing the browser version on mobile if that helps.
Downloaded versions of Twine games often wont load their images on mobile due to nonsense with how Android file permissions work. Either play the embedded version (which the author has sadly not enabled mobile view mode for, I know) or find an app that can properly load twine games (I think there was a specific one but I forget the name of it).
Hello !
I'm very curious about the AI you used to make all of those images !
Your game is very interesting too i love the mechanics !
Looking forward for the next update :)
What i need to do to help Liliy?
how do you get the fresh greens ingredient for the sandwich
Your game and new update are so amazing!
I have just one request. Can you please make an option for fast cooking? I am very grateful for fast shopping and it will be amazing to have something like that for cooking. An option to input number of cooking meals at least
And I also agree with the request to make a guide for the game
Thank you again for your outstanding work!
Do you think that in the next update you can add the option that you can have the ice cream tub?
I keep getting the park event where beth asks about dinner but I never get her number
So what is happening is that you went past the weight stage that allows for you to get Beth's number, you can get it at stage 4 and stage 5 but past that point it doesn't work but the code is trying to get you to see the event that gives you her number, it will be fixed in the next major update, but for the time bein you are trapped in a bug, my apologies.
Alright, thanks for the response! also could you please explain how you get more recipes?
1. I don’t understand what to do with Chichi. As soon as I bring her anything, she eats me. Are there any actions with her at all?
2. How do I get that “Perfect Sandwich”? I don't understand its ingredients.
I wouldn't ask if I could figure it out myself. These two questions have been haunting me for 3 days now :_)
I recommend you to restart the game again, Cici's Vore story is "difficult" to complete. I recommend the normal deal where you feed them. you get the perfect sandwich by finishing Cici's quest after you take her to the laboratory, then you have to finish the fairy's quest, you have to win the hotdog contest 3 times, give the BE and AE to 2 npcs the one from the donut shop and the another is that of all you can eat
I am grateful for the answer, but there is one snag that prevents me from not only doing everything correctly, but also understanding your explanation. I am not a native speaker, and I know it “very poorly”. There is a lot of text in the game (and yes, I know what I was doing, I still play it) and I simply physically cannot translate everything, as I now translate everything using Google Translator.
I didn't understand too much, but you helped me anyway. Thank you <3
no problem, in not native speaker too ahhahaha i use the translator
is there a way to cook the meats that aren't burger? also i cant get past the part where lily asks for help, i would like some help with these please.
for lily help is first help go to Beth ,2 help stephani ,3 help jeine and go to Park and search the Icecream qiosc
I'm curious; how do you get the mime girl to start getting bigger? Is it one of those things you can miss if you don't get it early enough?
you just need to give her a tip while you have a hot dog voucher on you, then you get an option to give her one.
RESOLVED: Who is the short person you need to find for Cici? Please help!
( I figured it out through hours of trial and error) The girl has dyed hair and is met on the train to work. Additionally, she is categorized as petite rather than short but it still works.
In the future do you plan to add other love interests outside of beth, stephanie, and jamie?