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Can anyone help with the next person I need to feed a hourglass person to cici but I am not sure if it is an hourglass person

If it has big tits and wide hips, it's definitely Hourglass.  

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Yes it does but who is it

You can use the telescope from magic shop to determine the body types of people by using it during the transit scenes.

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I have it already just need to know what hourglass person to feed cici

Any would suffice I think...I think I fed her the one silver hair, big tits n ass, slim waist

Who do i give the vial of liquid labeled "Hyper" to? I've spent hours just trying to find out and i haven't been able to.

The bitchy girl at work.

How do you get the vial tho?

I am at 500kgs myself, completed cici quest with tiffany getting stuffed, completed the hotdog and diana ques too...but i still cant seem to get the vials. My buffet,  bakery and kali the co-worker are also at max lvl.

The black suit lady, kali i think her name was.

I feel like a brick, I cant' figure out the first bit for cici XD

It's a small petite person i think whom you need to feed her.

Love your work! Can you share what model you use for the images? Thanks!

How do you get the fairy that im seeing in the comments to get back into the Shadowed Curios?

Toss a doubloon in the water fountain you can find while wandering the park. You can get the doubloon from shadow curios. Meaning you can get stuck if you don't get the doubloon before that point.

Ok, thank you, that is very helpful. Do you get to buy anything new though if you already bought everything?

Yes you do get some items to purchase.

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hey anvilandthechipmunks I need help with the next person it looks like it might be a hourglass person but I am not sure if it is or not

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can someone help me with lilly's storyline, i'm stuck here and i dunno what to do.


After work call Stephanie

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Can someone tell me what has a green bush or someone that has green on them so I can feed them to cici it looks like trees and a road


You need to find someone on the running path in the park.

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Ok thank you but I am only seeing beth on the path

Try going there again n again and you will find some new npcs.


Before the protagonist truly gains weight, there are several stages of weight that are very attractive and sexy. Can there be some branching storylines or endings for this?


that would be great, but I suspect that it may not happen (if it does it won't be for A long while) because of the artwork implement.

I reached the point where it says "You decide to pay Lilly a visit.", is this the end with her story?

can you tease a little bit more about future update

From what we know, there will be a gym. so I think new NPCs. besides you have endings of the romances of the 3 main characters most likely 


There is going to be a couple of major new locations added, including a gym, a mall, as well as others, with some new NPC's, expansion of old NPC's, more events to come across during the game  and the conclusion of the story. I've made decent progress so far, but there is much left to be done.

Yo dev!

I think i have encountered some problems or maybe bugs idk but i have completed the game in terms of weight, currently at 500 kgs(got the fat streamer ending and normal shower scene ending with Jamie).

1. The problem is I didn't get to tamper with Jamie's statue in order for her to gain weight. I did snoop around her room(only got one chance to do so) but it said better not to mess with her statue and I didn't really see any other options which may helped to mess with it.

2. How do I get the AE/BE/Hyper serums. I maxed out the bakery women, waitress, and the black coat lady at office but still can't seem to get the option to give them the vials or even find the vials. Due to this I have been unable to get the perfect sandwich.

3. I am also unable to enter the magical shop due to my weight. People in comments below say to talk to the fairy. But the only options I get after I click on talk to fairy are the apple, cantaloupe, watermelon. No such things as 10 watermelons or anything that can help me pass through. I have also not been able to do any gothic events.  

3. How do I unlock stage 10 of Aubrey?

4. Will I get to see something new or extra if I move in with Bess/Stephanie instead of Jamie? 

5. What is the max stage for LiLy? Cuz I have been feeding her a large amount of ice-cream(200$ one) and she is still at the stage 13.

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Okay, so I am going to guess that you fast tracked your own weight gain as quickly as possible because that would likely explain what you are missing. Your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th issue are all tied to the fact that you can't get back into the Curio. The way the code is currently set up is that if you didn't fatten the curio shop owner then you are stuck. If you didn't get the chance to buy the vials its because you didnt give the amulet to the shop owner. The code is going to be changed in the next major update to change this, but as for now you unfortunately have left yourself without the option to do these things. As for your 4th issue, Stage 10 for Aubrey will be her next weight stage for the upcoming update, it is not implemented in the game yet. And yes there are unique events tied to each of your potential love interests depending on who you choose to move in with.

I did thought of this at first that maybe me fast tracking Aubrey's weight would have led to this(300 to 500kgs lol imma madman), but I still wanted to ask you first before starting a new game, so thank you for taking out some time & getting back to me! 

But how do I tamper with Jamie's statue tho?

Also I really love your game, the dialogues, side characters, different storyline, everything is just damn good. At first, I was like, how is such a good game packed with loads of content available for free here.  

The only suggestion I would like to give is to improve the AI art. I am not saying it's bad n all, just not really upto the mark considering how much AI art has evolved in the past few months and years. Sometimes the drawings for a same stage differ too much with each other, such as the belly being very large in a particular image for a particular stage and then just half that size in the next image. Same goes with height, boobs & ass, there are times where even the faces don't match. So, I think spending some time in improving previous images and images for the upcoming updates will be really gr8. Most of the devs who use AI art in their games here on itchio are doing the same(Nicksav, Jobobot, etc). Other than that, the game is really good.

All the best for you future updates, hope we get to see more banger projects from you in future, maybe get us a MC with different body types to choose from :) 

Keep cookin mate! 

I am so exited!!!! I’m gonna be donating a good chunk o change next paycheck cuz I’m so invested in this lil game hehe. You did amazing and I want so much more out of this thing. 

Also, will we be able to fatten up Jamie and the other love interested actively? 

So I can't seems to get the images to load for me. Any idea how to fix that?

I really liked the vore route I would like there to be more events or characters with vore for certain incredible work


My guy Bladerune9 creator of Fattening Career recently included your game in a itch bundle he announced on patreon, which is how I just found and played it for the first time on Saturday. Man, Anvil, this game is extraordinarily amazing!! I am not a text game kinda guy, I like my visuals, and when I was looking over the itch page and description I was almost certain I would drop this thing like all other texts games I've ever tried in like, 5 mins from boredom. But since Bladerune9 recommended I wanted to give it an honest try, and I'm so so glad I did! A nightly and daily gaming binge later and I sadly reached the end of all of the content and endings hahaha~ From the use of the AI art to the well versed dialogue with each character to the great interactions between them all involving way more fetishes than I ever thought to encounter, this game is easily in my top 5 WG games of all time. You and everyone who have worked on this have made not only something great but also something really special here, it stands out with the thought and work clearly put into it and as a consumer that is everything im looking for nowdays in my gaming design and art. Im happy to support you with a coffee and am eagerly awaiting what comes next in this world you've made!  Cheers and much love to ya!

I seriously need help doing the Cici vore route. 

Who is this in the hint? I literally can't find this person at all. 

No problem! I just finished the game and Cici's vore route, happy to help! She is looking for the "hourglass" type, can be found on the transit to work and walking around the city/park areas. (I always just roll my luck with the transit morning ride)

A useful tip for any future confusion on the pictures and what she wants is if you go into your game folder to the folder path 'AI->Walk->Catgirl->drawings' you will see a list of the drawings named "what" or "where" you should be looking.

Enjoy getting that cat fat!!

Hourglass? I gave hourglass like 2 times and got killed got it.  💀

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There is more than one person that is hourglass

where are those files? cant find em

I'm on the first person and its an arrow pointing down and a skinny person, does that mean short and skinny?

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Does anyone know what person has green hair or something green on them to feed cici with

Hey! Your answer is Tiffany, she is the lab lady.

Enjoy your fat cat!

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It is like a green bush

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How do I make her fat besides the perfect sandwich

So I beat the game and did everything that I could so I got bored and made her weigh 0kilos lmao
On one hand I'm not surprised that doing this does nothing but on the other I'm a bit disappointed, it would have been funny to get something for going against the game.

Oh and you can also get her to basically become antimatter because you can weigh negative kilos lmao

In the next update can we challenge coworkers to food competition

how do i give the attendant the other vials after spiking her drink with the WG vial

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You don't you have to give one to the baker the attendant and the girl at the buffet

how do you male Diane gain weight?

id like to know this also.  Also I cannot find the buffet anywhere

You get the buffet system after you enter stage 6/7 of weight I think.

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Just keep giving her the food she asked for and after some time she will get fed up with no results being visible which gives you an option to go to tiffany and buy a WG vial for her.

how do you make jamie gain weight?

after moving in with jamie you get the chance to snoop around, there you will find her statue, if you decide to switch it with a fake one she will start gaining weight

The problem is I didn't get to tamper with Jamie's statue in order for her to gain weight. I did snoop around her room(only got one chance to do so) but it said better not to mess with her statue and I didn't really see any other options which may helped to mess with it.

How do I save?

at the beginning of the day, top left

When I load a new version with an old version archive,I found that the growth of the old version could not be downloaded.I use the browser version.

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Some variables in-between versions either get shuffled around, reworked or removed. Please just start a new game.

to whom can i give the sandwich to exept cici and lilly?

Many people I think, your office coworkers, tiffany, the mime on the streets,  you can eat it yourself too I think?

I think I missed an early event. I'm at the final stage of CiCi's quest but i don't recognize the character and based on her outfit she has something to do with the lab in the patch notes. Is there a way for me to still find her or will I have to restart?


she will show up if you keep playing, you haven't missed anything, she just doesn't get introduced until one of the later weight stages 

Thanks. I found her! wish there was an option to continue helping cici after that last event seeing as from what i can tell there is no other use for giving food to strangers, but overall it was a fun route! Now i just have to find that perfect sandwich i've been reading about

same, I’d enjoy a branching path where you either put your foot down like you already do, or decide to keep sending people to Cici

You mean this person?  

If so, help me. Where do you find this person??
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Get a hourglass person. Use the telescope like thing from the magical shop to see which person has which body type during the transit scenes.

Cant get Lilly to eat the sanwhich, She is at the point where the pints of ice cream do nothing for her. I took the Jamie route.

I redid a play through and was able to get it to work. Not sure why i never got the prompt for before.

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Which AI did you use for the images?

They´re really good, especially the vore ones

Hello, I would like to know how to get the ingredients for the perfect sanduchis, please.

do everyones quest

Then do you plan to add a way to save the game in browser?

What are the requiremnts for Jamie's WG path? As I had swapped her statue for the replica and waited 5 in game days yet the shower scene never showed up. I made the correct choices as manager of HR for the route and still nothing showed up. Is there a requirement I could've potentially missed? As I was able to go on her route on 0.6.1 and the only thing I have done differently this time round is helping out Tiffanny instead of Cici on her non-vore route.


The shower scene that you are talking about it part of the transition scene right before the end of the current content that will lead into the next weight stage. Depending on if you swapped the statue or not you will either get skinny Jamie or Chubby Jamie. The only dedicated scene for the WG path at the moment is the one where she brings up that she has been putting on weight. 

Hello, I would like to know how to get the ingredients for the perfect sanduchis, please.

Complete the following people's quest:

1. Win all the hotdog contests.

2. Complete cici's quest of feeding her different people.

3. Help diana gain weight.  

4. Give the AE/BE/Hyper serum to bakery, buffet and the black coat lady at your office respectively.  

5. Unlock the fairy, feed her and she will give you fairy dust. 

I did the sneaking part into Jamie's statue but there wasn't a switch statue thing? How do you get the fake statue?

There's starting to become issues with images not showing. i *think* its stage 4/5 when the issue started coming up for me. SPOILERS FOR 2 SCENES

First it was the skirt ripping on the train, that image couldn't load, then it was the second image after Jamie corners you in the storage room

how do i make lilly eat more when she said she wishes she can eat without getting full?

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With the perfect sandwich


who is the feeder i need to find to help her?

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You need to help cici out to get something from her, you need to complete the eating contest, you need to feed Diane and feed the fairy and take her home and she will give you the magic dust

did all of that but now tiffany is locked in room full fat enjoying it what do i do now?

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also how do i stuff fairy to the max ( there is file named yunamaxing)

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Where did you find that I did not see that for the fairy

A solution for Cici is for Aubrey to eat her so she doesn't get fat anymore. I know the game is about getting fat but Cici can eat people because Aubrey can't do the same. It's just a question for advice.


Just dropped in to say this is a really quality game. The dialogue, the images, the endings, the frequent updates, etc. It's nice to see someone talented dedicate a lot of their time to bless a community of (no offense) weirdos with something fantastic. Thanks so much!


I wish you could get even bigger with more storyline in it

I saw in the gamefiles stages 10 for Abrey and for some girls. But I am in the end of current content and after the warning all characters remain 9 stages. Is there a way to achieve the 10 stages or it is for the future update?

It's for future updates

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What girls do I need to feed cici


please help me, I don't understand how to run the game on Android 😭😭 (my phone is vivo y 19). I downloaded this game and unpacked all the files and launched it through chrome but the pictures don 't appear 😭😭 (I even launched the computer version, but it didn 't help:(. ). I don't know what to do next, maybe you know how to help me? I say right away that I don't have access to a computer .

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