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Guys, I'm stuck on Yunan, I gave her the pill, got the fairy to help, and got the hourglass, what do I do now to get Chet hired?

How do i progress kali? (dark haired mean office girl)

This sucks for me to have this. When I save the game and try to load it, it does not let me and says "My PC doesn't have the app".  I have zero idea how to solve this issue.

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Nevermind, I just had to download the game, it was not working when I was using the itch app version.

can anyone explain cici to me pleas?

What do ya wanna know bud?

how to tell who it is that she want? just got the stick figure with down arrow

(2 edits) (+1)

There are the random people you meet and you can offer food to. To get their body type & preferences get the spyglass from Shadowed Curios. The rest is just trial and error, as Cicis drawings aren't exactly masterworks.

You can check out the drawings in the game folder at /AI/Walk/Catgirl/drawings


How can I get Lilly to come to the buffet?

You dont get lily to the buffet...buffet are only for some of the coworkers of our MC

And how did he gain weight?

You get a pill from one your friends in office which will help lily gain weight. Visit your frnd after office.

Who give me that pill?

What friend of office?

And another question. You known were I can find the ingredients of the Perfect Sandwich? I need:

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You can refer to my old comments in this thread to unlock all the ingredients. 

Complete the following people's quest:

1. Win all the hotdog contests to get homemade condiments. 

2. Complete cici's quest of feeding her different people to get flavour enhancers.

3. Help diana gain weight to get fresh greens.  

4. Give the AE/BE/Hyper serum to bakery, buffet and the black coat lady at your office respectively. The bakery girl will give you bread and the buffet girl meat.

5. Unlock the fairy, feed her and she will give you fairy dust.


Ty, I get the medicine.

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yo, what ai generator do you use to generate the images, and what kind of prompt do you use? just asking, maybe for some personal use. if you dont want to reveal your secrets, thats fine.

Guys, I'm stuck on Yunan, I gave her the pill, got the fairy to help, and got the hourglass, what do I do now to get Chet hired?

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I am also stuck on this one

Guys, help, I don't understand, how to get meat and bread for sandwich. 

To be more specific, I will name the algorithm with which I tried to get meat and bread

To get high quality meat: go for food > all you can eat > leave a tip? > leave 100 (repeated many times until the waitress got fat, but nothing happened, I didn’t get the meat) 

 To get flawless baked bread: visit sweet cravings > treat yourself and the baker (also repeated many times, but I didn’t receive any bread) 

I'm 10 intelligence qualified, help me😭

Get all the vials from Shadowed Curios, then you'll get options to use for both of them.

Do you know how to get Chet hired by Yunan?

iirc if you already finished with Yuna you need to talk to Chet again, which means progressing that part of the story. Go on dates with Beth and also go for walks in the park. There's definitely a scene there, but I don't remember if it's also triggered from there.

How do i get vials in shadow curious? I only see these options for purchase:

Purchase more incense

Strange Amulet

Another Scroll

Purchase more Espresso

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This there anything to do to help Kali

nope this is the end for her part

(1 edit) (+1)

Fantastic, I love it! I've played for hours and I think I now seen everything that's currently available (had to check on occasion if the picture I'm missing is even used yet). The pictures are very well done, especially for AI art - and your writing just makes them sooo much better. Can't wait for the next update.

Regarding bugs, I've only encountered one where a picture didn't show but I didn't write down when that happened. And visiting Lilly after feeding her the sandwich goes through the 4 warehouse pictures and afterwards shows just "you decide to pay Lilly a visit" without any picture or text anymore. It might not be a bug, but it feels off.


What do you use to generate your art?

Do you have any advice for someone using AI to generate art?


hey anvil that would be could if we could have an statue update of the 0.7 version of the game. And i wanted to know if you think this update will be out for this month or later ? (you don't need to respond, i know i'm being overimpatient.)

I was just going through the art folders and it looks like there's a scenario involving Jamie and the fairy where her boobs burst through her condo. Has that story path been enabled already and I just missed it or will that not be until the next update

Im guessing that you have to pick jamie route and then take her statue.


Really enjoyed the main story. Maybe you could set up an option for mass food making, it takes a while when you try to make 20 of a thing at a time.


Hey Anvil i've read a few comments that were talking about adding a quantity field for making food, and it seems like it would be an amazing idea, of course i dont know how badly this would delay the next update, but for those of us who are curious, was this something perhaps in the works for the Final major update?


if you create a second game, I would recommend making it more focused on hot dog eating competitions, but also keep the same kind of premise of big aspirations.


Ask how to unlock Yuna, the truth is I have no idea


I played in the browser, was this the latest version of the game available? Or did I have to download the game to play the latest version?


does the fairy and jamie interact

not yet this is likely gonna be something explored in the final update


how to find yuna?

(1 edit) (-1)

how do you get yuna to get bigger the third time if you can’t fit in the magic shop? Could someone tell me?



in a future you will add some motion to the images?


I don’t know how you unlock the ice cream stand for lily. Can someone tell me?

You have to progress the fairy's quest to get rid of the fountain

And how do you start the fairy quest?

Go to the mystery store. buy the gold coin. Take a walk through the park till you find a fountain. Nuff said.



Hi Dev! Not sure I asked this question some time in the past: I looked through the pictures and found cheesecake picture from Nicole the goth. Is that already in the game or coming with a future update?

where do you get the ingredients for the perfect sandwich i have a couple but cant find the rest. Thanks in advance

depends on what you need. i have a few i can say how to get, just tell me what you have.

Srry found them all thank you anyway

I have some trouble to find the bread


Hi! When new update?


I'm not going to give an exact date, because I can't say for certain, but I'm getting close. There is a handful of things left to do, I need to finish off Beth and Stephanie's paths, and then write the ending. Once that is done it will be bug testing, and then release. If compared to how much I've already done it shouldn't be too much longer 

Thanks for the reply, I'll be looking forward to it!

So how many different endings are we gonna see in the next update?


is there a way you can make this also be able to be played on mobile?


I don't know where to find the ice cream for Lilly is someone have the solution?

you find lily's ice cream from the ice cream parlor if yo walk around in the park

Ok, don't know if anyone else has found this, but I found a way to take away the fertility idol from Jamie, does anyone know how to progress the side story of what happens when you swap the real one with the fake one?

it’s probably going to be explored much more in the next update. Also creator I wish you luck and peace with the workload! No rush, your doin great!

Atm it only gives you a different ending than if you don't swap them. More content on that path to be added in 0.7

Can anyone else eat "the sandwich" or is it just us?

you can give the sandwich to a mutitude of people, i think you just have to talk to them 

(1 edit) (+2)

bug report: so i had just gotten all the ingredients for the perfect sandwich but in order to get tiff's ingredient, i had to sacrifice every customer in the shadow curios, when i go back to the shop the next day, i couldn't, as soon as i go into the shop, all of the customers just pop in and out at rapid secession and i can't continue or go back because there is no option at the bottom to keep shopping. if i had to guess what was going on, id say that upon entering the shop, there is a mandatory customer interaction however if the intended customer is sent to cici, then it changes to another random customer, until it realizes that character shouldn't be there and moves to the next customer, and so on. I hope you can consider my comment and fix the bug. swear to god it's like the ghost of my past haunting me for choosing vore 


Hey, do you think in the next update the 3 girlfriends can be given the sandwich?


anyone else having problems with loading saves?


when is the next update ?


whenever it comes out, although some sort of dev update would be great

is there any way to wake cici up after she falls asleep? apart catnip that makes her run off?

After you feed her catnip she comes back after a while. Not other way of waking her I'd present

ah ok thanks i thought that once she runned off she never came back, or that i needed the lab but fortunatly it's nothing difficult

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How far are you on the next update

"Looks like I weigh -2 kilos. It's a start." Is this normal?

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What's the thing that Lilly wants?

I mean i skip the text and now i don't know what she wants.

After the clothes and de medicine, if i remember correctly she said that she fell very hungry.


Can we save the game



I really want to know how to make the fairy fatter after you take her home?

you just keep feeding her and do the quest for Shadowed curios where you give her 10 watermelons

How to return back to the Shadow Circus after the character has become too fat to get there?
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