Fairy dust from Ophilia (the fairy), High quality meat from the buffet waitress, homemade condiments from Sandra (hot dog rival), fresh leaf greens from Diane (grocery store worker), flawless baked bread from donut baker. I forgot the last one, but I'm pretty sure the flavour enhancers came from Tiffany (the mad scientist). You get them all as rewards for progressing through their stories
Edit: just checked, you get the flavour enhancers for finishing Cici's quest
Hey bro I just wanted to say this is the best game I've played in a very long time. It sucks our community doesnt have as much as vanilla communities but I'm so glad you put in the time and effort to bring this to life and I just can't wait to see what the future holds for you. The side-characters like the baker, the buffet waitress, the hot dog girl, and the shopkeeper were my favorites! Sorry I can't remember their names, it's been a couple months since I played. Looking forward to the next update man!
And let me know if there's anything I can ever do to support or help out with development! I dabble in all artistic mediums but I figure if you need an extra hand for writing or proofreading I'd always be glad to assist.
if you boot up the game on the initial screen there is a load game button. If you press that it will ask you select a file to open, choose the file that was created when you saved your game.
heyo! love the game but do you think you could make it possible for there to be an alterative route with the mean co-worker so i dont have to give her the potion as watching her grow herself is far mor entertaining
Amigo porfavor podrias ajustar algunas cosas para que corra mejor en android, el juego apenas me logra abrir y me sale un cartel que dice que el juego no esta echo para correr en mi dispositivo, paso tanto trabajo para que abra que nisiquiera piedo cargar mi partida 🥺
you have to wait for her to finish her diet and for you to get quite fat, she'll start acting bitchy towards you and the game will give you the option to hide the flyer in her bag
You only get 15 of the business cards for the maid cafe (though there are only 10 maids to find), if you run out of the cards (as seems to be your case) you can go talk to Gemini at the cafe and pay 100 dollars to get more. A tip for giving the cards to the right people, play with the sound on, and listen for bell ringing/chiming when you encounter and NPC while on the train or exploring the city, mall, and park, you'll also find one of them in Shadowed Curios. If you hear the bell, then that means they're someone who will accept the card and go work for the maid cafe, there's about 2-3 for each of the first three locations I listed IIRC, unfortunately whether their appearance will be triggered or not is pure RNG, so it might take a while, especially the ones on the train, if you get really unlucky.
Hey anvil, I just want to know if you think that the update will launch on September or if you think that you need more time, just for giving us an idea
Im pretty sure thats the stage where you have to wander in the park and then purchase a vat of ice cream for the vendor, then you see lily afterwards to feed it to her.
For a few suggestions you could add in the game, a belly expansion scene for Jamie, Tiffany, Lilly, Beth Stephenie and the goth witch that own the magic shop. More feedee role reversal for Jammie and other characters. Definitely more belly themed events with all characters. a weight cap to keep certain characters at a certain weight. And finally a stuffing progression for characters
I don't know how you trigger it but there is one scene where Jamie gains a little bit of weight, but i loaded before going further as I didn't know if it prevented Jamie from meeting the fairy or not and I don't know how to trigger Jamie meeting the fairy
Its honestly stuff like this that maes me think there should be a wiki or an in game guide of some kind for these obscure things, maybe not like a direct this is how to get this to happen, but like a vauge "a certain type of object can cause (insert event here) to happen"
Alright, not going to lie. Downloaded this and saw the artwork thinking it wouldn't be any good. Well I ended up eating my words that's for sure! The story is funny and cute, the content is enjoyable, and I find myself waiting to see where this goes and grows. Good body types for the characters and the main romance paths, hoping there's more to come and perhaps a harem option at the end lol. Regardless tho, good game!
So how do I get Ophilia to do whatever she planned to alleviate the issue of being too big to inside the Curious store? I already talked to her where she mentions to bring her a green fruit with a red inside or something like that (I assume watermelon). Though I do by now have a bit of every grocery(and "meals") on me anyway, but I don't see any options for to hand her anything, other than the normal 3 "blessings" each morning, to make her do whatever she was planning.
Thank you, that worked, didn't quite have that many on me, that worked, but I don't remember anywhere it even hinting about needing multiple watermelons, did I just miss it, or is it just very obscure on that point?
Been enjoying your work it's amazing. i have a question, how do you do the vore path? i have given thegreen haired woman, but i cant do anything anymore with cici, it keeps saying you'll need to find a solution before she becomes insatiable and she is imobile now.
Edit: found the solution, get the sandwich quest and feed it to her. she disappears from the alley, does she return it is it the end of her quest? also is there a discord server for this game?
hey anvil, just wanted to know if in the next update there will be more way to make money than there is actually in the game ? because money is acutally quite horrible to farm.
I found money was easy to farm. It's a slow burn kind of game to start, but every day you can play the stocks. 10 bucks is baseline, goes down to 2 I believe, and I've seen it as high as 16. Buy low, sell high and even small amounts will carry you until promotions and pay raises. Then there's another thing that pays you lucratively through the computer, eventually.
true I'm floating around 500k, and by depositing a large amount, it begins giving you (dividends) payments daily i get 3/4k every few days since i have 21k shares deposited
I have a couple savegames and in the every save I finished the game with ~4-5k and without any stocks. Farming is annoying at the start but in the lategame it is very easy to earn a lot of money
No matter how long it takes to get the update out, Anvil, you should be proud that you've managed to create such a large community of people who are so excited for your work
It is really awesome. And he has a lot of respect for continiued work on the game and for support. I have a collection of great wg games and unfortunately most of them were abandoned before release. Anvil is my hero
← Return to game
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around about how many more characters will there be
Can you tell me the sandwich recipe?
Fairy dust, high quality meat, flavor enhancers, homemade condiments, fresh leaf greens, flawless baked bread
And where can I get them?
Fairy dust from Ophilia (the fairy), High quality meat from the buffet waitress, homemade condiments from Sandra (hot dog rival), fresh leaf greens from Diane (grocery store worker), flawless baked bread from donut baker. I forgot the last one, but I'm pretty sure the flavour enhancers came from Tiffany (the mad scientist). You get them all as rewards for progressing through their stories
Edit: just checked, you get the flavour enhancers for finishing Cici's quest
Hey bro I just wanted to say this is the best game I've played in a very long time. It sucks our community doesnt have as much as vanilla communities but I'm so glad you put in the time and effort to bring this to life and I just can't wait to see what the future holds for you. The side-characters like the baker, the buffet waitress, the hot dog girl, and the shopkeeper were my favorites! Sorry I can't remember their names, it's been a couple months since I played. Looking forward to the next update man!
And let me know if there's anything I can ever do to support or help out with development! I dabble in all artistic mediums but I figure if you need an extra hand for writing or proofreading I'd always be glad to assist.
it's not letting me load my save, whenever i select a file to load windows asks me to pick an app to open it, how would i fix this problem?
if you boot up the game on the initial screen there is a load game button. If you press that it will ask you select a file to open, choose the file that was created when you saved your game.
whenever i select a file in that screen it doesn't work, i was asking to see if anyone knew how to fix it
sad no one knows how to fix
hello how do i load the game
Hi, how do I fatten a fairy?
give her fruits
I gave her over 8
Might be a bit late but you need to give her fruits of increasingly bigger sizes, so like strawberry to kiwi to apple and so on
jakiego ai używasz sorry I forgot that in English not Polish what AI you use
I was wondering if there is a way to save my game. Every time I open it its at the start.
Wow i genuinely never saw that. Thank you so much.
i wish there was a discord server about this game
heyo! love the game but do you think you could make it possible for there to be an alterative route with the mean co-worker so i dont have to give her the potion as watching her grow herself is far mor entertaining
Honestly, I would like an event to prevent her from becoming a jerk.
Amigo porfavor podrias ajustar algunas cosas para que corra mejor en android, el juego apenas me logra abrir y me sale un cartel que dice que el juego no esta echo para correr en mi dispositivo, paso tanto trabajo para que abra que nisiquiera piedo cargar mi partida 🥺
How many weight i need to make the Sandwich
Will this eventually be on android and or iPhone
Its .html file ,just extract .zip ,and open .html via browser and play it
who is cici's first victim?
Im restarting and dont remember which one it is.
Loving the game, but how do you fatten up Kali?
•In the park there's an hot dog stand, go there
•Pick the flyer
•Take part in the eating competition
•Obtain the voucher
•Sneak it inside her bag
You can take part in the competition several times but hotdogs have a side effect...
Pero ¿cómo lo meto en su bolso? ¿Tiene que ser antes de que se ponga a dieta?
you have to wait for her to finish her diet and for you to get quite fat, she'll start acting bitchy towards you and the game will give you the option to hide the flyer in her bag
Ok, by the way, do you know if there is a limit of maids? Because my invitation disappeared xd
You only get 15 of the business cards for the maid cafe (though there are only 10 maids to find), if you run out of the cards (as seems to be your case) you can go talk to Gemini at the cafe and pay 100 dollars to get more. A tip for giving the cards to the right people, play with the sound on, and listen for bell ringing/chiming when you encounter and NPC while on the train or exploring the city, mall, and park, you'll also find one of them in Shadowed Curios. If you hear the bell, then that means they're someone who will accept the card and go work for the maid cafe, there's about 2-3 for each of the first three locations I listed IIRC, unfortunately whether their appearance will be triggered or not is pure RNG, so it might take a while, especially the ones on the train, if you get really unlucky.
Hey anvil, I just want to know if you think that the update will launch on September or if you think that you need more time, just for giving us an idea
is there a guide for cici's food targest to assist players
if so i would like to see it butif no then its fine
how do you introduce Jamie to the Fairy?
Does Lily gain more weight? I have reached where I take help from Jamie but after that, Lily does not gain weight at all. Can anyone help?
Im pretty sure thats the stage where you have to wander in the park and then purchase a vat of ice cream for the vendor, then you see lily afterwards to feed it to her.
What about after that, do I have to keep feeding her for next couple of days
If I remember correctly you keep feeding her the vats of ice cream and there should be an event after like 3 or 4 times
does Stephanie not have a sleeping photo for when you move in with her or is my game broken? it's only showing the text and the options, no photo
I had the same issue yeah sadly
how can i give green researcher to cat....
For a few suggestions you could add in the game, a belly expansion scene for Jamie, Tiffany, Lilly, Beth Stephenie and the goth witch that own the magic shop. More feedee role reversal for Jammie and other characters. Definitely more belly themed events with all characters. a weight cap to keep certain characters at a certain weight. And finally a stuffing progression for characters
will the lord bless us with an update on the update? ;)
I like women that are into playing an instrument. Maybe you'd prefer violins?
Why do you care so much
The game keeps giving me a black screen, no matter how many times i tried to fix it. Is there anyway to fix it?
Just wait it takes time to loa
You can't play on the website itself. You have to download the game to play it.
hey i cant get lilly to the vat stage, jamie bought the vat but idk where to get the stuff to trigger it
ice cream stand in the park :)
Is there anything coded to happen after you switch Jamie's statue with the fake one, and if so, how do you trigger it?
I don't know how you trigger it but there is one scene where Jamie gains a little bit of weight, but i loaded before going further as I didn't know if it prevented Jamie from meeting the fairy or not and I don't know how to trigger Jamie meeting the fairy
Its honestly stuff like this that maes me think there should be a wiki or an in game guide of some kind for these obscure things, maybe not like a direct this is how to get this to happen, but like a vauge "a certain type of object can cause (insert event here) to happen"
I feel like next update will be closer to a full release than an update.
A question, what program do you use for AI images?
any updates
How do i add food to my self so i can offer it to people on the train
if you got the cookbook from all foods. you buy the ingredients. then cook them at home in the morning.
goto inventory then you can make it from there. once you make the items. they can be used even if you make a ton of food, bag of holding of food lol
thanks, but now idk how to get more cookbooks i only have the beginner
Feeding Lilly will eventually unlock more cookbooks.
Is the green haired girl with glasses the cat girl wants the one who bumps into you on the bus to work.
I have given her the food she likes twice but no option to send her to the catgirl.
Also fed the green haired girl at the park once, is there a different one im missing who im supposed to give food to
it is a character that appears later in the game, just keep playing and eventually they will show up
yeah figured that out finally. the lab lady. forgot about her.
anyone know what to do with Lilly once she's at the Vat stage? She keeps commenting about even that's not enough anymore.
The only way forward from there is to feed her the whole sandwich
I see, thank you! I was just having trouble with Cici's second to last person so I didn't have the sandwich yet.
how do you get the sandwich?
Alright, not going to lie. Downloaded this and saw the artwork thinking it wouldn't be any good. Well I ended up eating my words that's for sure! The story is funny and cute, the content is enjoyable, and I find myself waiting to see where this goes and grows. Good body types for the characters and the main romance paths, hoping there's more to come and perhaps a harem option at the end lol. Regardless tho, good game!
So how do I get Ophilia to do whatever she planned to alleviate the issue of being too big to inside the Curious store? I already talked to her where she mentions to bring her a green fruit with a red inside or something like that (I assume watermelon). Though I do by now have a bit of every grocery(and "meals") on me anyway, but I don't see any options for to hand her anything, other than the normal 3 "blessings" each morning, to make her do whatever she was planning.
you need to give her 10 watermelon at once (if you have 10 in your inventory the option to give them to her will show up)
Thank you, that worked, didn't quite have that many on me, that worked, but I don't remember anywhere it even hinting about needing multiple watermelons, did I just miss it, or is it just very obscure on that point?
"It will require a substantial amount of magic, though, so I need you to bring me 10 of those large green fruits with the red center" - Ophilia
do you know how to get the scene where Ophilia meets Jamie, I don't know how to do that one and haven't found any answers
Been enjoying your work it's amazing. i have a question, how do you do the vore path? i have given thegreen haired woman, but i cant do anything anymore with cici, it keeps saying you'll need to find a solution before she becomes insatiable and she is imobile now.
Edit: found the solution, get the sandwich quest and feed it to her. she disappears from the alley, does she return it is it the end of her quest? also is there a discord server for this game?
She will come back eventually I believe, just takes a while
how do you get the Flavor Enhancer
hey anvil, just wanted to know if in the next update there will be more way to make money than there is actually in the game ? because money is acutally quite horrible to farm.
I found money was easy to farm. It's a slow burn kind of game to start, but every day you can play the stocks. 10 bucks is baseline, goes down to 2 I believe, and I've seen it as high as 16. Buy low, sell high and even small amounts will carry you until promotions and pay raises. Then there's another thing that pays you lucratively through the computer, eventually.
true I'm floating around 500k, and by depositing a large amount, it begins giving you (dividends) payments daily i get 3/4k every few days since i have 21k shares deposited
none of this matters because you can buy a negative amount of share
I'm sorry what? how does that work, does it help?
I have a couple savegames and in the every save I finished the game with ~4-5k and without any stocks. Farming is annoying at the start but in the lategame it is very easy to earn a lot of money
No matter how long it takes to get the update out, Anvil, you should be proud that you've managed to create such a large community of people who are so excited for your work
It is really awesome. And he has a lot of respect for continiued work on the game and for support. I have a collection of great wg games and unfortunately most of them were abandoned before release. Anvil is my hero
yeah, i think he should create a patreon, after all it's a hard work and hard work should be rewarded.