the chocolates for Carmen are the ones unlocked by going through the gym questline. After you run into Bonnie practicing making her own while exploring the city, which becomes available after getting Evelynn to her second weight stage.
leaving a comment to say that the roulette still seems broken, i think its saving my previous bets so if i lose on black the next time its black i win what i lost and my new bet.
also if possible i would love a way to turn off or change the new background and text border transparency as its sometimes hard to read, other then that i love the changes to the look of the game.
I know this sounds like a complaint, but please believe that is not my intention.
I'm not sure it's a problem with my equipment, but it's obvious that in the case of zip files, mobile browsers can't open most images normally. (But this problem does not occur when using html files(In version 7.0).)
Of course, I tried it again and it was no problem to play on, so I didn’t want to ask for anything, I just wanted to express my feelings.
Certain events are tied to your weight or other character's weight, but there isn't really a time limit for most things (and in the rare cases there are, you'll be explicitly told that). There is not a limit to the number of days you can play.
I loved the additions to the update. I do have a few questions and a suggestion. Question 1: Is it possible to win against sandra in the last "battle"? Question 2: what is the chocolate in the hint for the one cafe quest with the very friendly girl with a tan? As for my suggestion I wish there was a way to patch things up with Jamie if you pick the option to get her fired with the 2 endings just feels depressing. But that is my opinion.
my 7.0 saves dont seem to work with 7.1, but the post only mentions 6.0 and older saves not working, is that just a typo or has me trying to do the gym fix mucked up my saves or something
There are girls in there that gain weight and you bump into other girls working out in there that are gaining weight too. I think your character may be able to lose weight using the gym
Really only one way for Aubrey to get muscular, one of the experiments with Tiffany, and it's temporary.
There's quite a lot of content at the gym and Aubrey can also lose weight there if you're trying to go back to a previous weight stage or just slow your progress to a later one.
Advertencia: este mensaje va a ser largo. Tengo la duda de si en algun punto la protagonista engordara tanto que perdera la movilidad. En ese caso podrias hacer que la protagonista sea cuidada por la novia que hallamos escogido y que cada una tenga su propia cualidad en ese punto, como jaime proporcionandonos de mucho mas dinero etc, etc. Pero que la cosa no acabe ahi y la protagonista pueda seguir engordando asta el punto en el que necesitemos recurrir al laboratorio para buscar "ayuda medica" entre comillas. Ademas de que en el punto en el que la protagonista se quede inmovil por su peso y gordura esta pueda trabajar desde casa al ser conciderada incapaz de ir al trabajo. Ademas me gustaria que cuando la protagonista engorda tanto que ya no puede entrar a la tienda de magia, agregues un evento que puede suceder aleatoriamente donde la encargada nos encuentre tratando de entrar a la tienda y decida ayudarnos con algo asi como que ella nos busque lo que queremos comprar, o que nos venda las cosas por una mini tienda trasera.
Porfavor necesito volver a jugar este juego, ya adaptalo para android por el amor de dios, y si estas ocupado busca a alguien por discord que lo aga por ti, pero porfavor necesito poder volver a jugar el juego
por última vez, no es prioridad portearlo a android y no creo que vaya a buscar a alguien para eso. Sin quedar como grosero sería bueno que dejaras de insistir que quedas como desperado. solo toca esperar a ver si eventualmente el creador tiene tiempo y puede comprimir las imágenes del juego para que vaya fluido.
en primer lugar, mi conexión a Internet es de menos de un megabite y por la madrugada llega a 2 megabites por lo tanto no puedo ejecutar el juego en el navegador de que era como único se ejecutaba correctamente el juego. En segundo lugar, me conecto a Internet con datos móviles. En tercer lugar, no tengo PC solo un teléfono Android Samsung gama media baja. En cuarto lugar, vivo en Cuba y no ahí dinero para comprar cosas caras como una PC. En quinto lugar, este fue el primer juego tipo novela visual que me engancho en y si, estoy desesperado por una versión de Android ya que los archivos Zip o html no se ejecutan correctamente en mi dispositivo móvil, sea por mi poca conexión a Internet o porque no son compatibles, ya e intentado correrlo en Chrome y OperaGX y no funciona
ok so i found out a bit more about the glitch i told about in my previous comment. the roulette doesnt take away the chips after you lose/win. tehy stay tehre and dont count in your total chips, so if you farm enough you can have millions of chips just from repeatedly clicking "jump to results"
i used it to get millions since i played the full game of the previous version and i dont want to grind for the money i had before all over again. i was just making the creator aware of the bug since its still "exploiting" and "cheating"
This version doesn't seem to be compatible with Joiplay ? I have tried to play it again on there so I can use my phone but it's crashing the app everytime and I have the most updated of each. Don't know if anyone can help with that lol.
Oh I know that, it doesn't run in browser on my phone. I was just wondering if i could play it mobile but i ended up just using my laptop. Was just curious because it worked before and its easier to play on mobile for me
Just what content you get and variations in what ending you get.
Best is subjective. Will say that Stephanie has the most content as you get various D&D campaigns with multiple puzzles and you can get the participants fat.
Jamie you can become the boss and there's options that will get Jamie fat.
Beth can get fat too but I will say she definitely has the least content of the three.
Could someone write instructions on how to get past the alchemy part in the DnD session? It is a real headache, I feel like little to no hints are provided and im stuck on it for quite some time now, pretty please.
1 Do you need FF cards, if you already vip, or you can throw them to anyone now?
2 does raygun does something except making rng meet girls bigger for 1 time?
3 can you make that after meeting 25$ per stock, they will start more falling in praise, until they will cost 1$, and start rising? (I sold all my stocks for raygun, but now they can't fall below 21$)
hey, tehre is a small bug on the roulette. i placed a small bet on red, i won, i placed a bet on red again, i should've lost since it landed on blakc but i won 8 chips. then, even without putting chips on any of the colors or numbers, i won 48 on red. and now it keeps repeating even if i dont bet on anything, won 8 on black, won 48 on red, won 8 on black, won 48 on red over and ove
← Return to game
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Interesting though having done eve's quest imagine through the sessions allow access to a secret weight level. (not asking for this to be an update)
Can you write a game guide? There were several places I didn't know how to unlock and played for 3 days
I think he said something about doing it, after polishing 0.7.x
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Where do I find chocolates for carmen
yeah. i'm struggling to find them for her and the gym girl as well
The chocolate that you are supposed to give to Evelynn is just the ingredient from All Foods
okay cool. what about for carmen?
Chocolates yum 😋
the chocolates for Carmen are the ones unlocked by going through the gym questline. After you run into Bonnie practicing making her own while exploring the city, which becomes available after getting Evelynn to her second weight stage.
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Ok thanks
sadly a lot of later images with the gym gal are now missing.
bug squashings a pain ik
You forgot to re-upload the game
New quick fix is up that fixes broken image links and new roulette bug
leaving a comment to say that the roulette still seems broken, i think its saving my previous bets so if i lose on black the next time its black i win what i lost and my new bet.
also if possible i would love a way to turn off or change the new background and text border transparency as its sometimes hard to read, other then that i love the changes to the look of the game.
I know this sounds like a complaint, but please believe that is not my intention.
I'm not sure it's a problem with my equipment, but it's obvious that in the case of zip files, mobile browsers can't open most images normally. (But this problem does not occur when using html files(In version 7.0).)
Of course, I tried it again and it was no problem to play on, so I didn’t want to ask for anything, I just wanted to express my feelings.
So is there a limited number of days or do you have an unlimited time limit I'm curious since my strategy is to farm money before doing anything?
No time limit, the day counter is just there to let you know how long you've been playing for
Certain events are tied to your weight or other character's weight, but there isn't really a time limit for most things (and in the rare cases there are, you'll be explicitly told that). There is not a limit to the number of days you can play.
I think i found a bug that prevents me from give music sheet to Cleo just wanted to let you kno cause this game is awesome!!!
Nevermind lol!
how'd you do it?
Wait sheet music?
I loved the additions to the update. I do have a few questions and a suggestion. Question 1: Is it possible to win against sandra in the last "battle"? Question 2: what is the chocolate in the hint for the one cafe quest with the very friendly girl with a tan? As for my suggestion I wish there was a way to patch things up with Jamie if you pick the option to get her fired with the 2 endings just feels depressing. But that is my opinion.
i have no idea where to get ice cream for elaine or where to find cicis prey
Ice-cream is in the park (for me it opened after finishing fontain)
my 7.0 saves dont seem to work with 7.1, but the post only mentions 6.0 and older saves not working, is that just a typo or has me trying to do the gym fix mucked up my saves or something
BUG: When you bet on roulette and pass. When the color of the bet touches, they give you the money anyway.
I'm dumb, how do you pass on roulette?
The first option
what does the gym do?
There are girls in there that gain weight and you bump into other girls working out in there that are gaining weight too. I think your character may be able to lose weight using the gym
darn, no musclefat Aubrey
Really only one way for Aubrey to get muscular, one of the experiments with Tiffany, and it's temporary.
There's quite a lot of content at the gym and Aubrey can also lose weight there if you're trying to go back to a previous weight stage or just slow your progress to a later one.
I started playing last night, saved and hoped on today but it won't load my save.
Do saves not work at all?
Because the game have an actualiztion
Advertencia: este mensaje va a ser largo. Tengo la duda de si en algun punto la protagonista engordara tanto que perdera la movilidad. En ese caso podrias hacer que la protagonista sea cuidada por la novia que hallamos escogido y que cada una tenga su propia cualidad en ese punto, como jaime proporcionandonos de mucho mas dinero etc, etc. Pero que la cosa no acabe ahi y la protagonista pueda seguir engordando asta el punto en el que necesitemos recurrir al laboratorio para buscar "ayuda medica" entre comillas. Ademas de que en el punto en el que la protagonista se quede inmovil por su peso y gordura esta pueda trabajar desde casa al ser conciderada incapaz de ir al trabajo. Ademas me gustaria que cuando la protagonista engorda tanto que ya no puede entrar a la tienda de magia, agregues un evento que puede suceder aleatoriamente donde la encargada nos encuentre tratando de entrar a la tienda y decida ayudarnos con algo asi como que ella nos busque lo que queremos comprar, o que nos venda las cosas por una mini tienda trasera.
Porfavor necesito volver a jugar este juego, ya adaptalo para android por el amor de dios, y si estas ocupado busca a alguien por discord que lo aga por ti, pero porfavor necesito poder volver a jugar el juego
por última vez, no es prioridad portearlo a android y no creo que vaya a buscar a alguien para eso. Sin quedar como grosero sería bueno que dejaras de insistir que quedas como desperado. solo toca esperar a ver si eventualmente el creador tiene tiempo y puede comprimir las imágenes del juego para que vaya fluido.
en primer lugar, mi conexión a Internet es de menos de un megabite y por la madrugada llega a 2 megabites por lo tanto no puedo ejecutar el juego en el navegador de que era como único se ejecutaba correctamente el juego. En segundo lugar, me conecto a Internet con datos móviles. En tercer lugar, no tengo PC solo un teléfono Android Samsung gama media baja. En cuarto lugar, vivo en Cuba y no ahí dinero para comprar cosas caras como una PC. En quinto lugar, este fue el primer juego tipo novela visual que me engancho en y si, estoy desesperado por una versión de Android ya que los archivos Zip o html no se ejecutan correctamente en mi dispositivo móvil, sea por mi poca conexión a Internet o porque no son compatibles, ya e intentado correrlo en Chrome y OperaGX y no funciona
I on the maid quests and Carmen up 1st, where i can find chocolates for Carmen?
So how many girls can you invite to the Maid Cafe? Because so far I've only gotten four and it won't let me invite anymore.
10 including first one
ok so i found out a bit more about the glitch i told about in my previous comment. the roulette doesnt take away the chips after you lose/win. tehy stay tehre and dont count in your total chips, so if you farm enough you can have millions of chips just from repeatedly clicking "jump to results"
i discovered this a few days ago and im using it to play a "sandbox mode"
i used it to get millions since i played the full game of the previous version and i dont want to grind for the money i had before all over again. i was just making the creator aware of the bug since its still "exploiting" and "cheating"
good game but I need help.
I don't know how craft the two potions in the DnD game with stephanie
This version doesn't seem to be compatible with Joiplay ? I have tried to play it again on there so I can use my phone but it's crashing the app everytime and I have the most updated of each. Don't know if anyone can help with that lol.
The game is exactly the same in the browser as in the download version
Oh I know that, it doesn't run in browser on my phone. I was just wondering if i could play it mobile but i ended up just using my laptop. Was just curious because it worked before and its easier to play on mobile for me
Anyone knows where can I find a box o chocolate? Carmen said she would accept something like that, but idk how to find
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My friend can't gain more weight in the game he broke the scale and he got a new one but he doesn't have it yet.
Log onto the computer and there's an option to buy a new scale. It will then show up the next day just before you go out to work.
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Will the game be ready for mobile when the patch gets fix
What do i do for Mimi the maid?
whats the difference between choosing beth, jamie and stephanie and which one you consider the best choice?
beth is my favorite
Just what content you get and variations in what ending you get.
Best is subjective. Will say that Stephanie has the most content as you get various D&D campaigns with multiple puzzles and you can get the participants fat.
Jamie you can become the boss and there's options that will get Jamie fat.
Beth can get fat too but I will say she definitely has the least content of the three.
Could someone write instructions on how to get past the alchemy part in the DnD session? It is a real headache, I feel like little to no hints are provided and im stuck on it for quite some time now, pretty please.
yo también estoy con ese problema y lo peor es que para llegar ahí tengo que hacerlo todo de nuevo (juego desde celular y no guarda)
Was gym bug fixed?
1 Do you need FF cards, if you already vip, or you can throw them to anyone now?
2 does raygun does something except making rng meet girls bigger for 1 time?
3 can you make that after meeting 25$ per stock, they will start more falling in praise, until they will cost 1$, and start rising? (I sold all my stocks for raygun, but now they can't fall below 21$)
I got 4 business cards left, and I was wondering will the next update will fix Carmen and Cleo and add 4 new girls to join Fantasy Fusion?
5 leftover cards is insurance
what do i even do with yuna, immobile cici, and tube fed tiffany?
so the perfect sandwich disappeared after three uses? Is that supposed to happen or is that a bug?
My guess is that it's a bug
I forgot how to get flavor enhancers. How do I get them?
finishing cici quest
thank you
Where i can find FF waiters?
I know only about big girl from ShC
I figured out that if you encounter a girl while exploring you will hear A ding and that should be a waiter in waiting
Oh, yes, lucky charm, thanks!
Alguém conseguiu ganhar no último Campeonato de comer cachorro quente valendo o patrocínio?
hey, tehre is a small bug on the roulette. i placed a small bet on red, i won, i placed a bet on red again, i should've lost since it landed on blakc but i won 8 chips. then, even without putting chips on any of the colors or numbers, i won 48 on red. and now it keeps repeating even if i dont bet on anything, won 8 on black, won 48 on red, won 8 on black, won 48 on red over and ove