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(1 edit)

I really wish Cici got just one more scene before the sandwich! I get you're supposed to choose between her and Lilly, but it's hard to not pick Lilly when the writing makes it seem like she needs it SO much more than Cici does... I just keep feeling bad for Lilly!

Hey! First of all, great job on the update! I've really been enjoying all the new additions. And good on you for all the debugging. I do have a few questions though: 

-sometimes my saves don't work and just get me back to the initial screen from before I loaded them, is that a known bug? They seem to sort of load with the 0.7 version, and by 'sort of', I mean they will have missing items or events.

-I'm having trouble finding out how to get Kali to the lab. Do you not give her the hyper potion in order to do that? 

-Does the choice with Cici have any implications? (I mean the initial one where you can choose vore) Other than possibly locking you out of maid cafe candidates

To get Kali to move to the lab requires all of these to be true:

  • Kali must be hyper-sized
  • You must have met Tiffany and completed each of the trials at least once.
  • Tiffany cannot currently be stuck inside a feeding chamber (either wait before trying to deal with Cici, or choose to help Tiffany when the choice needs to be made)
  • You must let Tiffany know about Kali's situation and then encounter Kali again at work for her to be moved

Also note that once Tiffany is placed inside the feeding chamber you can no longer experiment on yourself or Kali at the lab ever again.

I haven't parsed out all the possibilities with the vore route for Cici, but the sandwich ending might change slightly between the wg option and the vore option. However, it might not considering the Sandwich ending files are only in the wg folder, so I would have to test it again to make sure.


Can anyone share a save file from where you pick who you want to move in with?

All my saves are corrupted for some reason and I just don't feel like grinding through everything in the beginning again.

Here you are. It is from 0.7.3 not tested in 0.7.4

worked beautifully thanks so much.

In my opinion Beth needs more weight gain after she "Goes All out".... If she was holding back that whole time there should be huge growth after she goes all out on the weight gain.



(1 edit)

What should be given to cici? I want to continue the story with her.

Meat. Lots of it

Unless Cici is asleep, then choose 'log on to computer' to continue her storyline.

I visited her, she was awake. But when I logged into the computer, I found nothing but the usual computer functionality (if anything, I'm at the moment with a note and when she asks to take a certain person to her)

Ah, if it is the human shape with the down arrow, first go to Shadowed Curios and purchase the 'glasses', next 'wander' around the city, mall, park, or curio until you encounter a 'short' woman. Use the glasses on the woman for a food hint and offer them food, if you chose the right food, you can have them follow you to the alleyway to feed them to Cici. Afterwards, Cici will give you another vore hint. You can check the image files for more hints for the drawings in the  Big Aspirations 0.7.4 folder = Big Aspirations 0.7.4 >  AI > Walk > Catgirl > drawings.

If the person is in Shadowed Curios, you can hunt around for them without using energy by browsing the shelves and then clicking finish shopping, as long as you don't leave Shadowed Curios, you can continue to cycle this until you find the person that satisfies Cici's craving. 

At the mall, going to the casino and leaving rerolls the encounter chances for the clothing store, food court, cinnamon swirlies, and wander options without using energy. Just make sure to hit the undo button if you don't encounter the right person in these other four locations as leaving them normally will use energy.

One other thing to note is that you are also able to bring her maid cafe candidates (before recruiting them to the maid cafe) which will prevent you from completing sidequests at the maid cafe. 

Either meat from the butcher shop or anything you cook from the cookbooks that contains meat.


¿En el Café como avanzo con Mimi? Es la única que me falta



In the Cafe how do I move forward with Mimi? She's the only one I'm missing

You have to do the casino raffle in the mall a few times and win items for her

Thanks very much friend 👍

How do you get chocolate for the events that need it

  1. 'Explore the City' until you find the gym called "Eve's Place". 
  2. After the dialogue, buy some membership days and choose "Hire a Personal Trainer". 
  3. Wait a couple of days and choose 'Work out at "Eve's Place' on the main menu, if you are at or above 200 pounds, the trainer will mention 'Dirty bulking', follow the 'Dirty Bulking' quest line leaving a chocolate bar in Eve's office.
  4. Wait a couple of days until you encounter an update where Eve is slightly heavier at the gym.
  5. After the cutscenes, hire a personal trainer and buy a chocolate milk.
  6. Next is kinda random, but you gotta Explore the City until you encounter Bonnie in a candy making class.
  7. She will give you a box of chocolates, but we aren't done yet.
  8. Give that box of chocolates to Eve.
  9. Wait a couple of days and head back to Eve's Gym and she will have a weight increase.
  10. Go the Gym bar and you will now be able to buy a box of chocolates from Bonnie for whatever you needed chocolate for.



single greatest image in the entire game


your favorite image in WG game is muscule girl? ok...


she does look super fire...


Would be cool to have the game's Twine file downloadable, to make it open sourced~

Deleted post

I would like to ask that the Carmen quest for fusion maid is bugged and i can’t pass the first quest and the l can’t find the finale maid also is there anyway for Beth to move in with Aubrey and Jamie 

First, Carmen requires a box of chocolates that you can purchase from the Gym after you: 

  1. Trick Eve to start gaining weight by leaving a chocolate bar in her office.
  2. Meet Bonnie in the city and are given a specialty box of chocolates
  3. Give that box of chocolates to Eve
  4. Wait for Eve to gain weight
  5. Purchase the 'normal' box of chocolates for Carmen's quest.

Second, The final maid is most likely on the train and randomly may show up there.

Finally, no, you must choose between one of the three. There is no harem house ending.

I would like to ask if in any of the following updates if there going to be any if it would be posible to make a button so you can skip the ending scenes completely

He made an update so you can continue playing the game without having the see the end scene over and over again.


Can you make a guide?

how do i get the flavour enhancers with cici at tiffany's lab?

you have to check in om cici


Can you make saving and loading easier in the next update?  The game won't load my save because my computer doesn't have an app to open the an 'itch-cave' link.

so i was browsing the files and saw a Fatbeth path. is it implemented and  if so how do I get it?

It is just the very end of the beth route where she embraces gaining weight.


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

can we please get an option to not steal Lilly's cheesecake, seems a little unfair that we're forced into having to get the monkey's paw and use it on another cheesecake

(2 edits)

Would love to just skip that sometimes, but getting her the cheesecake is the only truly mandatory part of her quest(will eventually lead to a bad end if you don't get it for her after a while).  After that, if you're not interested in her quest, you can just choose to never visit her ever again.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I found a bug with the casino, you can put a negative value and then if you win or lose, you will be given chips anyway.

I bet -100000 chips and they gave me that much after the game

until it is fixed, use

I use a translator

what is the Lewd Spellbook for?

It is used on Francis at the maid cafe but other than that I am unsure.


No entiendo porque las quejas yo siempre gano la última secuencia contra la chica de los hotdogs XD

Pulsar botones en el móvil es muy difícil en comparación con la PC.

<Button mashing on mobile is very difficult compared to PC.>


Bueno en pc me imagino que sera mas facil creo, pero yo lo hago desde el celular, será porque le vicio demasiado 

The only complaint that i have is the final battle against the hot dog girl is impossible to beat with the device im using to play the game. I dont think a twine game needs a button mashing sequence anyway.

(2 edits)

how do you make ronda and olivia fat

To make Ronda fat you need to:

  1. Give her the bulking powder and the discontinued energy drinks
  2. Trick Eve at the gym into gaining weight
  3. Wait for Eve to lose the kickboxing tournament
  4. Convince Eve to become a sumo wrestler
  5. Wait for Eve to win the sumo tournament
  6. Talk to Bonnie who will give you a 'special' item for 'bulking' that instead of giving Ronda muscles (like usual) will make her incredibly fat instead.

Olivia doesn't get fat, her boobs get bigger based on how many maids you recruit for her.

no I mean the one with the big hips

Sorry, for Olivia, visit her until she 'mysteriously' doesn't show up to work. She gets fatter by her hips growing wider and getting stuck somewhere. You have to visit her like 2-3 times per stuck event and Gemini will give you a hint as to where she was seen last. Go there and you will find her stuck. Repeat until she is huge.


it only gives me the steroid

Deleted 125 days ago

Sorry for the misinformation! Instead of getting the steroid from Bonnie, go talk to Tiffany instead and she will give you a 'muscle enhancer' pill. This will result in Ronda getting fat instead of ultra muscular.


I have the fairy dust but I still can't enter the shadow curio

you have to bring her home and talk to her about entering

The game is great, it's very entertaining and the improvements when cooking and returning to places in the city and the park are appreciated; but I would like an interaction, even if it is small, with certain NPCs that you meet in the transitions of certain places, to be able to talk to them, give them something to eat so that they grow and have the occasional fun conversation.

And the NPCs are (I don't know if they have names): 

1. The girl in the blue skirt stuck in the subway

2. The skater in overalls in the city

3. The girl in a pink tracksuit and her dog

4. The one with the white shirt, orange hair and huge abdomen

5. The one with black pants and white shirt from the mall

I can understand if it can't be added so I admit it was worth the attempt. Have a great day

Hi, I've seen only a couple of posts about it and no solution/fix yet, but saves aren't working

When I try to open them I just get a windows pop up about finding an app to use them, and I don't know what to do

0.7.1 looked to replace the variable for the 'Crash Diet System' with the variable for the 'Loan System'. In 0.7.4, the Crash Diet System variable was officially removed from the game making all saves before the change no longer work. The saves are just text files which can be edited in a txt document program like Notepad++ for editing, but you would load the save by opening the game, choose 'Load Game' and selecting the save file you would like to load. If your game save doesn't work, you might have to restart, unfortunately...

Why when i play on android it always laggy?


Kind of wish Nicole was one of the dateable options,also would like to shoot the maids with the ray gun or hell an Overall hyper mode that adds more stages to everyone including allowing you to play past the ending in an infinite loop to make audrey keep getting fatter, as for mobility just have nicole give her a levitation spell,giving the sandwich to your partner, again stupid wants that are stupid for stupid sakes but the game is great and cant wait for the final update


this is the final major update. There are just some things that aren't finished yet.

I know its just some stupid wants

Well, while you can't raygun the maids after they get hired at Fantasy Fusion, you can at least zap them when you have the initial random encounters with them while out exploring just like all the other NPCs...

i know but using it on the later stages on the girls is just something I would like to see, but again its just something stupid.

Yeah, since it's basically an extra/cheat given how much it costs, it'd certainly be nice to be able to use it on more than just the random NPC encounters. Thankfully there is at least the legendary sandwich late game that you can give to basically everyone in the game in order to make them permanently bigger, unlike the raygun only being temporary.

Yeah kind of wish the Raygun was something that kept it effects.


It doesn't work when I run the game with the itch  app and save it and then import the save file. What should I do? And this window pops up.


What do I have to do?

Talk with Jamie, after that go to ice cream stand and buy vat

I have a question is there a punishment for ignoring the ghost girl's quest one it has been activated? Also, I asked this in an earlier post but is the Sandra final battle winnable or is it a skill issue?


It's possible to win against Sandra


Me explican como hacer la ruta de fat Jamie


I know that there is 2 main choices, that can't be undone - cici quest end and who to move in with, so 1 is there more of thouse questions, and 2 what wariants is "cannon"/"best"/add most amount of content?


Choosing to help Cici locks you out of any further experiments with Kali, any experiments with your character, and locks you out of the Tiffany sandwich ending, but gets you a different gain sequence with Tiffany. Choosing to help Tiffany locks you out of the Cici sandwich ending, you also kind of feel like a monster, but considering all the other stuff you had been doing, it's about par for the course at this point.

While Beth and Jamie definitely have their benefits, if you are looking for the most amount of content, you should choose Stephanie as moving in with her gets you an entire D&D campaign with two other girls gaining weight.

All options are 'Canon', there is no 'best' option, but for the most amount of 'content' choose to help Tiffany and choose to move in with Stephanie.


Version 0.7.3

  • Roulette in Casino is no longer abusable 
  • Broken image links fixed
  • Some updated grammar and spelling
  • Bug that caused players to miss the party event during the Jamie questline is fixed (unfortunately saves passed that point are unable to see the choice with David Knox. A save file that is just prior to choosing your roommate has been included in the Zip for people who want to avoid having to grind back up to that point because of this error.)

It says "no game has been uploaded"


I was just updating the game 


thats actually really funny

hi not sure if this is a bug or just my pc being dumb but the itch app keeps wanting me to update the game every time i start the app. guessing the update doesn't work through the app ?

(1 edit)

While that is one less thing for you to have to do, you still need to think of something just in case what Tiffany said is actually true. What else does it want me to do with Cici?


Derrepente habro el juego para intentar a ver si me abre, y me llevo la sorpresa de que me abre al instante, esto no se como es posible pero muchas gracias y disculpame por presionarte para una versión APK de android, ahora no puedo jugar el juego directamente en el navegador de 🫡

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Could someone write instructions on how to get past the alchemy part in the DnD session? It is a real headache, I feel like little to no hints are provided and im stuck on it for quite some time now, pretty please.

(5 edits)

What choises I need to make to get Jamie fired? I can't reach HR6 event with the head of company. And there is bug with the wild party


(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for pointing this out, something got lost during the latest patch. The files have been updated to address the issue.

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