When you get too fat to live alone anymore, you have the option of moving in with either Stephanie, Beth, or Jamie. Choose Jamie. Then take all the overtime until you get promoted to management and Jamie will eventually be fired. "Then the fun begins."
You can either bring her cheeseburgers (which you make by accessing your inventory in the morning, then click on pantry, and choose beginners cook book, then provided you have both beef and cheese, you can make cheeseburgers. Otherwise, Explore the City for a bit until you encounter the butcher shop and buy racks of ribs and whole hogs. Later you can also make her stuff from the intermediate and expert cookbooks, but compared to the whole hog, nothing much matters.
As with all fetish stuff, most people get into it as it is originally viewed as taboo growing up. Fat fetish and the like stems from that as well, but with a layer of control to it that makes it appealing compared to other fetish stuff because it generally takes time for you to reap the rewards and in many cases you don't need a plethora of examples to pursue the interest.
This game/virtual novel/dating sim explores that concept as a method of self-discovery through the eyes of the main character on her journey to gain weight, but also with the opportunity to share that interest or spread that interest with other people in her life. This game also explores other fetish stuff as well such as BDSM (as both the dominator and the one being dominated), Vore, and Feederism for a few examples.
The writing is well paced so that the player (for the most part) knows what to do and how to do it, so that they can enjoy the story, images, and character interactions without much effort. It can be enjoyed both as an interactive story and as a game with certain puzzles and aspects being explored, or taking a simple route and exploring it to an ending. This makes it an adventure that may have common elements, but is a truly unique experience on the journey from player to player. You can either relate to main character as an extension of yourself, or perceive her as your own personal feedee to manipulate at will.
This level of interaction brings it ahead of just porn as your personal experience and the steps you take to get to that point feel special and unique. The goal isn't just to get to the fattest picture, the ending or whatever makes you come, but to experience the genuine effort put into the project to convey a story that rides the line between creator and player. People may have simple reasons for enjoying this game, I, for instance, only picked it up because I wanted to look at the plethora of AI images of fat women, but as I played the game and got to see how those images flowed together with the overall story, I found myself having much greater enjoyment than simply image folder fodder.
At its core, it was made with care by the creator who shares this interest/fetish. The art may be made with AI, but it was made with a level of consistency that you generally do not see in most other AI art, meaning that the creator had to carefully work with the generators or edit the images manually to remove extra fingers, bad anatomy, randomized clothing, and other inconsistencies. The game is also still under development, so while there are some typos here and there, it just means that there is room to grow until the final release. This adds to the anticipation of the experience allowing for a growing community of people with similar interests feeling okay with sharing their feelings about things in a conducive environment.
All in all, if you like big, beautiful women who have the penchant for growing
larger in a wonderfully crafted story with multiple paths, endings, and
experiences, I would highly recommend giving it a try. If you don't enjoy those things, I merely ask that you not cause trouble for those that do enjoy these things. I hope this answers your question.
Hey, I have a suggestion, what if you keep giving Aubrey weight, but in the other ending you have the option to give the legendary sandwich to the 3 girlfriends?
For example when Jamie loses his job, you could add that he eats the legendary sandwich
Once you get 'pass' option when you try to feed Cici, talk to Tiffany at the Lab. Agree to help her go get Cici and choose either to help Cici (to get the Cici Sandwich ending and Tiffany tube gain sequence) or help Tiffany (to get the Tiffany Sandwich ending and allow continued use of the lab). After you make a decision, return to where Cici was to get the flavor enhancer ingredient.
Is there a way to tell what kind of target the player requires for Cici hunt quest beyond the Fortune Teller? Because the hint of "These bodytypes seemed unrealistic, but I've seen some" (what she practically says) is not that helpful imo.
She has a whole arc of gaining even more weight. After she excitedly tells you she has embraced sumo as her new goal in life. Check out the buffet every once in awhile to progess her weight gain the next time you visit the gym. It ends with her participating (and winning) a sumo tournament. There are roughly 25+ additional images in her arc.
I’m locked out of Shadow Curios due to fat and was wondering if there was a way to get back in? I already have the fairy. I just forgot how to trigger the shop keeper to get fat.
I'm curious; Is there any goal or interaction with the girls handing out cookies to appear in the finale? Like the girl from the food truck or the one from the advertising we need to be able to help Beth's brother
If you buy enough cookies from them, you can eventually buy ALL the cookies from them. But beyond that, I don't think there are any other special interactions with them.
I'm starting to do extensive testing on all the interactions in order to trigger all the dialogue across multiple save states for all the images. Does anyone know how to get the cheesecake ending with the goth girl and the glizzard bad end with Audrey? I tried holding on to the cheesecake for a long time and visiting the Shadowed Curios with it often, but I was not able to get that event to trigger. I also tried to 'Become the Glizzard' but the game only progressed as normal. Is there some sort of prerequisite for the Glizzard Bad end?
iirc you can't progress too far with the streaming quest, but I don't know if the cutoff is streaming for Roxie at all or going hog wild once. One of those opens the path to the "good" Glizzard ending.
I figured out the ending, thanks again for your help. Now I just gotta start a new playthrough and figure out how to give the cheesecake to the Shadowed Curios owner. It's probably just something simple I'm overlooking.
Yeah...I there are four images of her getting progressively fatter that are labeled with 'cheesecake' in the filename. They don't appear to be images I have encountered in a normal playthrough.
I see, also can i ask how to get the other Glizzard ending because the one i get is always the same no matter when in the game i do it, just so you know the one i get is when you get fired and start streaming after
Old post, so I don't know if you ever figured it out, but I'm pretty sure the different images titled "cheesecake" with the Shadowed Curios owner are for if you've gotten her to the different weight stages and ask for the cheesecake at that point; IE, the one simply called Gothcheesecake is if you ask for it before you've tricked her, 2 is after using the amulet on her, 3 is after using the weight gain potion, 4 is after the fairy uses her magic on Nicole. I haven't actually tested this hypothesis yet, but it seems to me that's what the difference cheescake images for Nicole are.
Go to the fountain in the park, if you haven't done the fairy sidequest, then go to Shadowed Curios and buy the gold dubloon. Toss the dubloon into the fountain and a fairy will show up. Feed the fairy progressively larger fruit until she gives you the fairy dust. Go back to the fountain and offer to bring the fairy home. Go back to the fountain and see it is now an ice cream stand. Purchase the ice cream vat. Go to Lilly and the scenes should proceed as normal.
Somewhere between stage 8 and stage 9 weight (roughly 350-400 lbs) you will be given an option to move in with one of three women: Jamie, Stephanie, or Beth. Choose Jamie. While being her roommate, continue to do risky things at work while taking all the overtime until you get promoted to 'boss' and she will get fired. Then she will start spiraling and start gaining weight and getting fat.
Hey, i have a question with stephanie's board game, in the potion part it says: Essence of Ascendancy: Ingridients: 1. Mystical Crystal. 2. Luminous Essence. 3. Sapphire Dust. 4. Frosted Herb. 5. Sunstone Oil. Bulgign Brew(FOR GUESTS): Ingridients: 1. Sunstone Oil. 2. Crimson Garnet. 3. Emberroot. 4. Eldritch Crystal. 5. Dewleaf. Because i'm stuck on this part, can someone tell me what to do please?
Ever since the new update, when i play a new run, I cannot use a save state from .07. Could anyone help? I am on Mac and I an unsure if its a personal computer thing or just a regular bug. Thanks!
If you migrated the save from 0.6 (or earlier) to 0.7 and then to the newest update, that save state will no longer work as the variable for the 'Crash Diet System' was removed and replaced with a 'Loan' variable. The only way to fix this would be using heavy save editing manipulation, so it is probably better just to restart, unfortunately.
It enables three new scenes to take place in the city/world in order to 'sate' her hunger because she is a ghost and cannot consume food 'normally'. If you talk to her, she will give you a hint on where her next target might show up at. However, there is a special interaction if you give her an 'item' without sating her curse first. I don't want to spoil what that is, but what would happen if an item meant to sate all hunger met something with an endless hunger?
Love the newest version of the game but I have a quick question. Will there be a cheat code version when all is said and done for the game? I did end up using the Roulette bug when I found it on a second play through and thought it was a secret edition for people who wanted to enjoy the game without monetary restriction. Is a post game inclusion or hack code for infinite money a possibility for future? Regardless this game is amazing and very well structured from both a game play and story perspective. My favorite addition by far is the DnD campaign which actually felt like a legit campaign. While I'm not in a position to support monetarily I'd love to leave a high rating on whatever platform allows it1
If you want infinite money easily, you could always edit the save file in a text editor like Notepad++ and set the bottom-most "money" variable to like $10 million dollars or something... I doubt that the creator is going to make a way to generate infinite money otherwise.
Wait you can do that???? I'm tech illiterate when it comes to game files so that would be fantastic. I'ma try that when I get the chance and see if it works. Thank you for the help! And yeah I had a feeling the way the update was labeled as "abusable" that the feature probably wasn't gonna be a thing , but it was worth an ask I suppose.
Nah, its not difficult generate money, just invest when its in low price and sell it later, even if you dont get a good price (I mean 10 at early) you will have randomly a gift for every stock
Check the game files, all the images are there. If you cannot view them, choose 'Open With' and select 'Microsoft Paint' or something similar and set that to the default program and they should be visible icons afterwards.
Bug Report: When you purchase Sheet Music for Cleo, if you open all three descriptions for the sheet music at the book store, you can purchase all three books. Only the last one purchased registers, HOWEVER the real bug is that this allows you to go into negative energy. This could be handled the same way that Jacqueline's books are handled where the other two 'Purchase' options blank out.
Also, Blackjack is incredibly easy to cheese for infinite money as you can hit the Revert arrow if you lose and try a different combination of cards including standing on 'zero' (which is functionally impossible in actual blackjack) and still winning after the dealer busts out.
Just an idea, as I don't know how difficult this would be to do, but it would feel better if you could choose how much to bet at the table with '50 chips' being the minimum bet, and 'Stand' only becoming an option after choosing 'hit' once.
She is in the mall, just wander around a bit after you gain some weight (Edit: you have to be stage 6 weight or higher, which is roughly 200+ pounds) and you should encounter her and she will be satisfied enough with you being large enough for her to join.
I looked in the files and in the ending folder it had two endings I couldn't get. One where Beth breaks up(at least is what it seems by the name), and one where Stephanie loses her weight
How do you get these endings? Is it really possible? Or are leftovers files?
So do you mean to ignore the date interactions when they become available or try to avoid their other encounters like at the park, doughnut shop, and work as well?
I kinda wished the perfect sandwich functioned like the ray gun as a canon 'reward' for completing the game. The perfect sandwich for me would be one I could share with all my friends. :3
Go to 'Shadowed Curios' shop and the option should pop-up. If you don't have 'Shadowed Curios' shop yet, choose 'Go for a Walk' -> 'Explore the City' and you should eventually encounter the 'Shadowed Curios' shop.
I plan on there being one last major update to the game, but that is going to be mostly revolving around updated pictures, more audio, fixing grammar, and UI. The story that is present in the game is the final story. As for another game, that is something I will definitely be working on in the background while putting out Patreon content.
Will the 'Picture Shop' be a gallery of art you encounter or a general image gallery? If it is the former, will you be able to do 'new gane plus' where you can start over to get more gallery images?
Cookbooks appear based on how fat you are and how many ingredients you purchase. If you go through the whole game only buying the 'necessary' ingredients then the intermediate and advanced cookbooks will likely never show up. I'd recommend attempting to buy 5-10 of all ingredients per visit until they show up on the NEXT visit. Fat size also matters, the intermediate cookbook only became available for me (after buying a ridiculous amount of ingredients) after Aubrey had surpassed 200+ pounds.
Date Beth until you get a 'fourth option' and then select it to continue feeding Lilly. To find Beth, 'Go for a Walk' -> 'Go to Park' -> 'Use the running path' after you encounter Beth enough times she'll give you her number, you have to date Beth somewhere between 4-8 times before you can get the fourth option.
I'm only missing the meat for the sandwich, but I can't get to the buffet, is it supposed to be a location you can just go to at any time or do you have to find it randomly while exploring the city every time? because I've been trying to get there for a while but no success
If I may remember correctly, you get the meat when you tip the buffet waitress enough when you go for food, she will give you the meat when she is big enough; To make it faster, tip her $100 every time you go
yea I've read about that, but my problem is that I can't get to the buffet, is it supposed to be a location you can just go to? or is it randomly by exploring the city? because I've done that for a good while but it's not showing up, last I remember being at the buffet was with Roxanne, then I never saw it again
Yes, it is a location but it is suddenly found when you choose the option "Explore the city" and when you get the option to go again, it will be in "go for food"
Edit: You need to be at least stage 6 weight and have 2 energy for the buffet to randomly show up as an option when you 'Explore the City'. I believe stage 6 triggers somewhere around 250-300 lbs.
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how do you get the last stages for Angie and Gina
how do you get the final stage for the promotion workers on Jamie’s route
how do you get jamie unemployed
When you get too fat to live alone anymore, you have the option of moving in with either Stephanie, Beth, or Jamie. Choose Jamie. Then take all the overtime until you get promoted to management and Jamie will eventually be fired. "Then the fun begins."
gotcha thx
where do i get food for Cici
You can either bring her cheeseburgers (which you make by accessing your inventory in the morning, then click on pantry, and choose beginners cook book, then provided you have both beef and cheese, you can make cheeseburgers. Otherwise, Explore the City for a bit until you encounter the butcher shop and buy racks of ribs and whole hogs. Later you can also make her stuff from the intermediate and expert cookbooks, but compared to the whole hog, nothing much matters.
thank you!
how do i help lilly
Bring her dessert. All of it.
You can't date Lily...unfortunately.
Hello. I saw there's an index.zip file for browser play. Where can I download that?
As with all fetish stuff, most people get into it as it is originally viewed as taboo growing up. Fat fetish and the like stems from that as well, but with a layer of control to it that makes it appealing compared to other fetish stuff because it generally takes time for you to reap the rewards and in many cases you don't need a plethora of examples to pursue the interest.
This game/virtual novel/dating sim explores that concept as a method of self-discovery through the eyes of the main character on her journey to gain weight, but also with the opportunity to share that interest or spread that interest with other people in her life. This game also explores other fetish stuff as well such as BDSM (as both the dominator and the one being dominated), Vore, and Feederism for a few examples.
The writing is well paced so that the player (for the most part) knows what to do and how to do it, so that they can enjoy the story, images, and character interactions without much effort. It can be enjoyed both as an interactive story and as a game with certain puzzles and aspects being explored, or taking a simple route and exploring it to an ending. This makes it an adventure that may have common elements, but is a truly unique experience on the journey from player to player. You can either relate to main character as an extension of yourself, or perceive her as your own personal feedee to manipulate at will.
This level of interaction brings it ahead of just porn as your personal experience and the steps you take to get to that point feel special and unique. The goal isn't just to get to the fattest picture, the ending or whatever makes you come, but to experience the genuine effort put into the project to convey a story that rides the line between creator and player. People may have simple reasons for enjoying this game, I, for instance, only picked it up because I wanted to look at the plethora of AI images of fat women, but as I played the game and got to see how those images flowed together with the overall story, I found myself having much greater enjoyment than simply image folder fodder.
At its core, it was made with care by the creator who shares this interest/fetish. The art may be made with AI, but it was made with a level of consistency that you generally do not see in most other AI art, meaning that the creator had to carefully work with the generators or edit the images manually to remove extra fingers, bad anatomy, randomized clothing, and other inconsistencies. The game is also still under development, so while there are some typos here and there, it just means that there is room to grow until the final release. This adds to the anticipation of the experience allowing for a growing community of people with similar interests feeling okay with sharing their feelings about things in a conducive environment.
All in all, if you like big, beautiful women who have the penchant for growing larger in a wonderfully crafted story with multiple paths, endings, and experiences, I would highly recommend giving it a try. If you don't enjoy those things, I merely ask that you not cause trouble for those that do enjoy these things. I hope this answers your question.
Hey, I have a suggestion, what if you keep giving Aubrey weight, but in the other ending you have the option to give the legendary sandwich to the 3 girlfriends?
For example when Jamie loses his job, you could add that he eats the legendary sandwich
i think giving the sandwich to the other 3 would be cool, would love if you could do the same to kali as well
What is ingredient a legendary sandwich?
Flavor enhancers.
Once you get 'pass' option when you try to feed Cici, talk to Tiffany at the Lab. Agree to help her go get Cici and choose either to help Cici (to get the Cici Sandwich ending and Tiffany tube gain sequence) or help Tiffany (to get the Tiffany Sandwich ending and allow continued use of the lab). After you make a decision, return to where Cici was to get the flavor enhancer ingredient.
To make a legendary sandwich,that I have to click a cici vore?
cici vore or cici wg both eventually give you ingredient for ultimate sandwich.
Is there a way to tell what kind of target the player requires for Cici hunt quest beyond the Fortune Teller? Because the hint of "These bodytypes seemed unrealistic, but I've seen some" (what she practically says) is not that helpful imo.
What's the drawing that Cici gave you? It sounds like the breast one which your best bet would be the one on the train.
Does Evelynns(Gym lady) path end after I tell her about sumo or does she have more after
She has a whole arc of gaining even more weight. After she excitedly tells you she has embraced sumo as her new goal in life. Check out the buffet every once in awhile to progess her weight gain the next time you visit the gym. It ends with her participating (and winning) a sumo tournament. There are roughly 25+ additional images in her arc.
Thank you cause I wanna finish her arc,
What in what to do?
Give a tip of a hotdog voucher from winning hotdog contest in the park.
I’m locked out of Shadow Curios due to fat and was wondering if there was a way to get back in? I already have the fairy. I just forgot how to trigger the shop keeper to get fat.
Buy the first bottle of the alchemist (or whatever the name is) that says WG and you have to give it to the owner of Shadow Curios
You just need to talk to ophelia in the morning then give her 10 watermelons
I'm curious; Is there any goal or interaction with the girls handing out cookies to appear in the finale? Like the girl from the food truck or the one from the advertising we need to be able to help Beth's brother
If you buy enough cookies from them, you can eventually buy ALL the cookies from them. But beyond that, I don't think there are any other special interactions with them.
Oh ok; thanks anyway
I'm starting to do extensive testing on all the interactions in order to trigger all the dialogue across multiple save states for all the images. Does anyone know how to get the cheesecake ending with the goth girl and the glizzard bad end with Audrey? I tried holding on to the cheesecake for a long time and visiting the Shadowed Curios with it often, but I was not able to get that event to trigger. I also tried to 'Become the Glizzard' but the game only progressed as normal. Is there some sort of prerequisite for the Glizzard Bad end?
iirc you can't progress too far with the streaming quest, but I don't know if the cutoff is streaming for Roxie at all or going hog wild once. One of those opens the path to the "good" Glizzard ending.
Ah, so it is a proper ending then? I will work up to it then and create a save file to do more testing. Thanks for the tip!
I figured out the ending, thanks again for your help. Now I just gotta start a new playthrough and figure out how to give the cheesecake to the Shadowed Curios owner. It's probably just something simple I'm overlooking.
Are you sure there is a way to give her the cheesecake, did you find it in the files or something
Yeah...I there are four images of her getting progressively fatter that are labeled with 'cheesecake' in the filename. They don't appear to be images I have encountered in a normal playthrough.
I see, also can i ask how to get the other Glizzard ending because the one i get is always the same no matter when in the game i do it, just so you know the one i get is when you get fired and start streaming after
Old post, so I don't know if you ever figured it out, but I'm pretty sure the different images titled "cheesecake" with the Shadowed Curios owner are for if you've gotten her to the different weight stages and ask for the cheesecake at that point; IE, the one simply called Gothcheesecake is if you ask for it before you've tricked her, 2 is after using the amulet on her, 3 is after using the weight gain potion, 4 is after the fairy uses her magic on Nicole. I haven't actually tested this hypothesis yet, but it seems to me that's what the difference cheescake images for Nicole are.
Does now when Jamie tells Aubrey about the Chilling & Dispensing Ice Cream Vat is able to be used?
Go to the fountain in the park, if you haven't done the fairy sidequest, then go to Shadowed Curios and buy the gold dubloon. Toss the dubloon into the fountain and a fairy will show up. Feed the fairy progressively larger fruit until she gives you the fairy dust. Go back to the fountain and offer to bring the fairy home. Go back to the fountain and see it is now an ice cream stand. Purchase the ice cream vat. Go to Lilly and the scenes should proceed as normal.
I think the Olivia encounter is bug since i can’t find her anywhere including the place she spawn in
Olivia is on the train to work. All the encounters on the train are random and can take forever to spawn if unlucky.
How to jamie make fat?
Somewhere between stage 8 and stage 9 weight (roughly 350-400 lbs) you will be given an option to move in with one of three women: Jamie, Stephanie, or Beth. Choose Jamie. While being her roommate, continue to do risky things at work while taking all the overtime until you get promoted to 'boss' and she will get fired. Then she will start spiraling and start gaining weight and getting fat.
So, what's the last milestone for weight? Just curious
Stage 10 occurs roughly around 500 lbs. You are in stage 10 when the scale image can no longer contain her size, she will be facing to your left.
im at 1.1k lmao
Hey, i have a question with stephanie's board game, in the potion part it says: Essence of Ascendancy: Ingridients: 1. Mystical Crystal. 2. Luminous Essence. 3. Sapphire Dust. 4. Frosted Herb. 5. Sunstone Oil.
Bulgign Brew(FOR GUESTS): Ingridients: 1. Sunstone Oil. 2. Crimson Garnet. 3. Emberroot. 4. Eldritch Crystal. 5. Dewleaf. Because i'm stuck on this part, can someone tell me what to do please?Ever since the new update, when i play a new run, I cannot use a save state from .07. Could anyone help? I am on Mac and I an unsure if its a personal computer thing or just a regular bug. Thanks!
If you migrated the save from 0.6 (or earlier) to 0.7 and then to the newest update, that save state will no longer work as the variable for the 'Crash Diet System' was removed and replaced with a 'Loan' variable. The only way to fix this would be using heavy save editing manipulation, so it is probably better just to restart, unfortunately.
How can I continue with Lilly's mission?
It depends. There are like four or five items at different weight levels for Lilly.
It didn't seem very clear but what does Winnona's curse actually do?
It enables three new scenes to take place in the city/world in order to 'sate' her hunger because she is a ghost and cannot consume food 'normally'. If you talk to her, she will give you a hint on where her next target might show up at. However, there is a special interaction if you give her an 'item' without sating her curse first. I don't want to spoil what that is, but what would happen if an item meant to sate all hunger met something with an endless hunger?
Wait a moment, where I saw that?

Love the newest version of the game but I have a quick question. Will there be a cheat code version when all is said and done for the game? I did end up using the Roulette bug when I found it on a second play through and thought it was a secret edition for people who wanted to enjoy the game without monetary restriction. Is a post game inclusion or hack code for infinite money a possibility for future? Regardless this game is amazing and very well structured from both a game play and story perspective. My favorite addition by far is the DnD campaign which actually felt like a legit campaign. While I'm not in a position to support monetarily I'd love to leave a high rating on whatever platform allows it1
If you want infinite money easily, you could always edit the save file in a text editor like Notepad++ and set the bottom-most "money" variable to like $10 million dollars or something... I doubt that the creator is going to make a way to generate infinite money otherwise.
Wait you can do that???? I'm tech illiterate when it comes to game files so that would be fantastic. I'ma try that when I get the chance and see if it works. Thank you for the help! And yeah I had a feeling the way the update was labeled as "abusable" that the feature probably wasn't gonna be a thing , but it was worth an ask I suppose.
Update: It fucking Worked! Thank you so much for the help! I definitely need to learn more about coding and game stuffs.
Nah, its not difficult generate money, just invest when its in low price and sell it later, even if you dont get a good price (I mean 10 at early) you will have randomly a gift for every stock
please post the AI link
Check the game files, all the images are there. If you cannot view them, choose 'Open With' and select 'Microsoft Paint' or something similar and set that to the default program and they should be visible icons afterwards.
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Does the fairy make beth gain more weight when you move in with beth
It has to do with Chet and that marketing lady but after you complete their quests Beth will eventually start gaining weight again.
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So the fairy does nothing to her like Stephanie and Jaime did
It helps with unlocking her last stage for all out. You have to complete Chet and Yuna's quests for Beth to go all out.
What tanya quest are you referring to yuna?
Yes, Yuna
There is no direct interaction between Beth and the fairy, if that is your actual question.
Bug Report: When you purchase Sheet Music for Cleo, if you open all three descriptions for the sheet music at the book store, you can purchase all three books. Only the last one purchased registers, HOWEVER the real bug is that this allows you to go into negative energy. This could be handled the same way that Jacqueline's books are handled where the other two 'Purchase' options blank out.
Also, Blackjack is incredibly easy to cheese for infinite money as you can hit the Revert arrow if you lose and try a different combination of cards including standing on 'zero' (which is functionally impossible in actual blackjack) and still winning after the dealer busts out.
Just an idea, as I don't know how difficult this would be to do, but it would feel better if you could choose how much to bet at the table with '50 chips' being the minimum bet, and 'Stand' only becoming an option after choosing 'hit' once.
how do i recruit brittany for the maid cafe?
Just interact with her at one of the higher weight levels.
She is in the mall, just wander around a bit after you gain some weight (Edit: you have to be stage 6 weight or higher, which is roughly 200+ pounds) and you should encounter her and she will be satisfied enough with you being large enough for her to join.
I looked in the files and in the ending folder it had two endings I couldn't get. One where Beth breaks up(at least is what it seems by the name), and one where Stephanie loses her weight
How do you get these endings? Is it really possible? Or are leftovers files?
Those ending happen if you don't spend enough time with either of those girls when you aren't their roommate.
So do you mean to ignore the date interactions when they become available or try to avoid their other encounters like at the park, doughnut shop, and work as well?
I do kind of wish we had the option to eat people, not just send them to cici, unless I missed something
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There should be an option to make more then one perfect sandwich so you can give one to each person
I kinda wished the perfect sandwich functioned like the ray gun as a canon 'reward' for completing the game. The perfect sandwich for me would be one I could share with all my friends. :3
how do you get past the cheesecake thing
Go to 'Shadowed Curios' shop and the option should pop-up. If you don't have 'Shadowed Curios' shop yet, choose 'Go for a Walk' -> 'Explore the City' and you should eventually encounter the 'Shadowed Curios' shop.
Hey are you going to release another big update or are you going to create another game?
I plan on there being one last major update to the game, but that is going to be mostly revolving around updated pictures, more audio, fixing grammar, and UI. The story that is present in the game is the final story. As for another game, that is something I will definitely be working on in the background while putting out Patreon content.
Wow, although do you think that in the next update you will add the option to give the sandwich to Stephani, Jaime and Beth?
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I strongly agree
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Can you make a game like this one please. I really love this game.
Will the 'Picture Shop' be a gallery of art you encounter or a general image gallery? If it is the former, will you be able to do 'new gane plus' where you can start over to get more gallery images?
is there any way make Beth and cici to move in with Jamie and Aubrey so they all grow fatter and bigger
seems you can lock yourself out of completing cici side story, if you send her the last lady early on
how do I get the next cookbooks? i cant figure it out
Cookbooks appear based on how fat you are and how many ingredients you purchase. If you go through the whole game only buying the 'necessary' ingredients then the intermediate and advanced cookbooks will likely never show up. I'd recommend attempting to buy 5-10 of all ingredients per visit until they show up on the NEXT visit. Fat size also matters, the intermediate cookbook only became available for me (after buying a ridiculous amount of ingredients) after Aubrey had surpassed 200+ pounds.
What do I have to do with Lilly, because after feeding shes telling me to do Something about her craving but I dont know what to do
Date Beth until you get a 'fourth option' and then select it to continue feeding Lilly. To find Beth, 'Go for a Walk' -> 'Go to Park' -> 'Use the running path' after you encounter Beth enough times she'll give you her number, you have to date Beth somewhere between 4-8 times before you can get the fourth option.
Edit: Alternatively, if Beth's item isn't the solution, try calling/dating Stephanie or Jamie until you can get an option to help Lilly as well.
I'm only missing the meat for the sandwich, but I can't get to the buffet, is it supposed to be a location you can just go to at any time or do you have to find it randomly while exploring the city every time? because I've been trying to get there for a while but no success
If I may remember correctly, you get the meat when you tip the buffet waitress enough when you go for food, she will give you the meat when she is big enough; To make it faster, tip her $100 every time you go
yea I've read about that, but my problem is that I can't get to the buffet, is it supposed to be a location you can just go to? or is it randomly by exploring the city? because I've done that for a good while but it's not showing up, last I remember being at the buffet was with Roxanne, then I never saw it again
Yes, it is a location but it is suddenly found when you choose the option "Explore the city" and when you get the option to go again, it will be in "go for food"
Note: You need to have at least 2 energy for the option to be active in the "go for food" menu, otherwise it is hidden.
Edit: You need to be at least stage 6 weight and have 2 energy for the buffet to randomly show up as an option when you 'Explore the City'. I believe stage 6 triggers somewhere around 250-300 lbs.